Cigar name pronunciation
As a new member of the forum, I was browsing threads and came across one regarding pronunciation of cigar names. Rather than post in a rather old thread, I’ll share this recorded pronunciation site here.
A few I’ve heard pronounced several ways particularly Partagas.
If you have watched YouTube videos of cigar factory tours, you sometimes get a better understanding of the names.
I forgot to add, many pronunciations can be different between Cuba, Dominican Rupublic and Central America.
Woah. Slow it down please. That's too advanced for us. As a group, we can't even say robusto the same way.
Some say Ruh-boost-oh some say Ruh-bust-oh.
Jeeze, they could be different between the South and North, East and West, and cousins too....
I guess my Portuguese descent is showing. LOL
Par-Tah-Gus or Part-Uhgus
A J Fer-Nan-Dez or Duz-Ent-Suhk
I pronounce everything like a redneck would. I don't care how it's pronounced in other countries. 'Merica!
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
I do not care, don't talk to anyone who smokes cigars so it doesn't matter.😑
porch-you-geez, in case anyone is wondering.
Thanks, I would have said Por-too-gwee-zee
Don't care.
Pronounce it how ever you want.
I doesn't make anyone an X-spurt if you know the correct pronunciation.
X-spurts are irritating, so those people who have to correct people are irritating.
I love going into a cigar lounge and purposely mis-pronouncing things, just to see them get their panties in a bunch.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
Pork n cheese
Aw, don't get too down on them, I'll bet you have on occasion made a fox pass or two.
I still struggle with English.....57 years and cunting...Or is that counting....
Ok, I guess, but pronouncing someone's name is not being an expert, or an X-purt or whatever. It's how that person identifies with the entire world. Rather that claiming expertise, all you are doing in trying to pronounce a name correctly is being polite and showing respect for that person.
Jaime Partagas started selling rolled tobacco in the mid 19th century and built an iconic cigar brand. To me, trying to pronounce his family name correctly isn't being a smarty pants, it's trying to respect him and his legacy.
In that regard, here's how this family pronounces it's name:
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
One that gets me:
Cinco Vegas instead of Five Vegas
I mean it’s the number 5. How did I mess that up
I get that 💯. My last name is D’Amico
Pronounced Deeya-meeko. Not Duh-Meeko.
FYI From now on I want to identify to the world as Mr. Wonderful. Spell it and say it correctly. Show some respect.
Mister damn-ee-koh it is then
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
Sounds like every time I have to call a call center. More like Damn-uh-koh
Change your name to Henkel... problem solved.
Half the people I know pronounce it incorrectly.
Hank el
hink el
Hank lee (don't understand that one)
Now schmidt. There's a name everyone can pronounce.
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
Are you kidding me? It astonishes me how many people are thrown off by the sch part of it. I don't blame them, I suppose. After all, look at school. They think it should be skmit. lol