Need help finding Electronic Humidifier for Audew JC-23C1 (150 ct)

I just got my Audew. For starters I'll use the large Boveda 320 humidifier but at over 20 bucks a shot I'm looking for a cheaper solution in the long run.
I'm looking at the Cigar Oasis Excel 3.0 but not sure if I can get the ribbon cable in.
Any thoughts or suggestions, thanks!
There's a few guys around here that know stuff like that. I'm hooked on tupperware-like containers, coolers, and boveda. Check back from time to time and someone may be able to provide you with pertinent information.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
If you recharge your Bovedas they're cheap enough to make their convenience and reliability worthwhile.
I’m with Peter. I have a Wineador and 10 years ago I bought a 20 pack of 65 RH. I have 14 in my Wineador and have never had to do anything but switch out maybe 2-3. The other 6 are in my mini-wineador.
That cigar Oasis is a rip off for 80 bucks. Go get a 12-pack of 65% boveda on Amazon for 40 bucks or on cigar auctioneer for 20. Or, get a bag of silica crystal beads on Amazon for 12 bucks and put them in some open tupperware containers.
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
My audew unit. One little bead container on the bottom, and 4 or 5 65s spread around.
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
Nothin' wrong with silica beads; that's all I use.
The beads I use are on a string.... just saying 😳
Well someone is.....
Thanks Guys!
@peter4jc How do you recharge the Boveda's? I have the 69% 320 size, I also have the smaller one's for my smaller Humidor.
I'll check out the beads too
I just throw mine in a plastic Ziploc full of distilled water for a day, maybe two depending on how crusty they are. After that, I let them dry on a paper towel and then press them back into service.
Some people worry about getting the outer paper wrapper wet or whatever. They will put them in a giant waterproof container next to distilled water instead of just dunking them. Too much trouble for me. I've never had a problem with them getting wet as long as I've dried them out first.
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
What he said.
I do the "too much trouble" routine, but only because I found an easy/lazy way to do it. Took a container that salad came in, ~quart-size, with a good lid, along with the rectangular lid from something else to place on the bottom of the salad container. Cover the bottom w/ water, load the Bovedas and forget about it. That way there's always a bunch of 'em ready to go and a place to keep the extras.
@Yakster has a more precise way of going about it... weighing everything to keep the packs from over-absorbing. "Too much trouble for me" to quote a dear friend in Vegas.