Modern Humidors

Hi All,
I wanted to float an idea/ask a question here. One thing I have noticed that its nearly impossible to find good, affordable 'modern' looking humidors, most are quite traditional in style.
I wondered what people thought/if there would be a market for it? I am an entrepreneur by trade but while this isnt my field I thought there seemed like a bit of a gap in the market for it. I wonder what everyone thought - or if anyone had any good retail contacts that I could bounce the idea off. Cheers, Joe
At any given time the urge to sing "In The Jungle" is just a whim away... A whim away... A whim away...
One thing I have noticed that its nearly impossible to find good, affordable 'modern' looking humidors, most are quite traditional in style.
The main reason for most things that are impossible to find is that there isn't a market for them.
Very few of us use humidors. There is a market for anything though. Go into your local shop and discuss with them. They will be able to tell you if it’s worth trying to get into. Unless you are a damn good woodworker, I’m thinking you would loose your shirt and pants as an investor. Make yourself on the side, couldn’t hurt to try. Have fun.
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^^^Where's the real @Patrickbrick and what have you done with him?
A good cooler based humidor in a nice wooden Vernier would be nice and help with WAF. I see plenty of modern humidors from Cuban brands and brands such as Avo and I'm not impressed. Also I'm left pretty cold by Hammer and Sickle glass humidors and Boveda plastic humidors. I don't want to see any modern crap around my cigars. Get off my lawn!
You could even make a tupperdor inside a wood box so that when you close the lid the inner plastic lid seals with the inner plastic tupperdor to dress it up a bit.
He’s trying to take a nap, not working out so good though.
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Well - honestly i disagree - every amazing innovative business is usually because you have discovered a new untapped market, but i appreciate your opinion. i mean, i wouldnt want some old fashioned looking humidor to bring out to guests in a modern new york penthouse!
If your target audience lives in a modern New York penthouse, well I think you've come to the wrong place for advice.
We smoke our cigars here for the flavor, not for the brand or prestige.
You should see if you can get into contact with Matt Booth. This would be right up his alley.
This is true in a general sense, but seeing as humidors have been in use for a very long time, any innovation style-wise has been tested. Certainly, there are some who enjoy a modern rendition of the humidor, but they should be as nearly impossible to locate as the humidor you think will make you money. And the reason for that (I'm guessing) is that cigars and their enjoyment/storage/lifestyle are a traditional matter.
Also, it may be less than wise to project your tastes and desires onto the general public, especially those wealthy denizens of NYC penthouses. HTF do you know what they want or how they think?
Believe me when I say, my guests don’t give a f uck what my cigars are stored in or what they see in my cigar room. They are more interested in the smoke I offer and more often than not, what I personally select for them based on taste. It’s the cigar, the smoke, the flavors, the experience that comes with that. It’s not about the box, except maybe the owner of the box who appreciates it’s aesthetics. Again, find the buyer. Good luck in your endeavor. Don’t risk too much, because you will never come back to let us know how you lost your ass and we were right.
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Sounds like your nap was rudely interrupted! 🤣😂🤓
First, I like traditional. Second, I like humidors. However, I keep the majority of my cigars in a 77 qt. cooler, from there they migrate to one of my two traditional wooden humidors for a few weeks/months prior to smoking.
With all that said, your idea intrigues me. I'm having trouble understanding what you mean by "modern", however. Humidor by IKEA? More "modern" materials for the construction? Like plastic? Wait, that's the cooler. A cooler with "modern" themes imprinted in it's outer design? Will there still be Spanish Cedar lining it? Brushed aluminum to match the refrigerator?
Perhaps if you could make some sketches or mock-ups of what you have in mind we'd have a better understanding of your vision. I'd be willing to take a look. Never hurts to investigate fresh ideas.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
Ooh, brushed aluminum exterior with rubber seal and built in combination lock, Spanish cedar interior. Customer selected holograms available on the exterior.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
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So you asked if “we” thought there was a market. You got a no, basically. And now you say you disagree. I’m confused- why did you ask if you had made up your mind already. Where you hoping everyone would jump on board and ask you to make one?
@UKintexas what cigars do you enjoy?
A 6x9x12 inch cedar lined 16 gauge 14k yellow gold humidor would be fitting if you were looking for a Trump-style modern humidor. Materials would be about $55,000, jeweler's labor about $150/hour for who know how long, then cabinetry for the cedar lining. Probably expenses would come in about $75k. Standard keystone for gold is cost x3 so you could sell it for $225k. Engraving extra.
I still say consult your local shops and discuss what they are selling/not able to sell. Send emails to retailers, they will have more insight on the masses and the market. Consulting individuals with individual tastes will never give you real answers, only catered ones. There is a market for everything, you just have to find it.
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If you could make a similar bin to weathertight 60ish quart andstackable (has to be the same quality/thickness or more) but sell it with modular inserts that allow for internal grouping/separation/stacking then you may have something. Cigar boxes and trays already work for coolers. As mentioned, most serious collectors don't use conventional humidors and the expensive niche market of high-end wood isn't very big and is already saturated.
If he invests too much into this "new idea 💡" that's exactly what he'll end up with essentially as there will be lots of whining to be sure.
Or you could get a sheet-metal worker to make the box for you cheap then go arts with it and get a steam-punk artist to dress it up and a cabinet maker to do the lining. Discordant art works well in penthouses. ammo box? 🤔
And something to wear to the lounge....
Fancy 60 quart bin with maglev technology so that all your cigar boxes float inside. Should also implement the technology to rotate the cigars by 4 degrees a day for proper aging.
This reminds me of the video I watched a few weeks ago on Meet The Professor with Carlito Fuente and Jeremiah Meerapfel (the Cameroon family in Africa) as they were talking and smoking with some famous craftsman operating out of Paris. The extravagance of this guy's life and craftsmanship made me wonder who in the world buys his stuff. He doesn't have to advertise, people come to him, and it took a long long time for him to get recognition and build a clientele. I think that would be the OP's biggest hurdle; not only finding out what those rich fcks want but then how do those rick fcks know about his humidors. I don't know if I'm right or not but I imagine those people don't run in the same circles as the OP does.
#cigarlife #luxury
Now they'll find this thread.
First things first, what do you consider a modern humidor? I don't think that almost any humidor made out of wood with a wood finish could be considered modern. Maybe if it had some weird curvature it could? If so, you're probably not going to mill it in your garage.
I think of this when I think of a modern humidor. Glass and plastic on the outside, cedar on the inside.
You could do some sort of postmodern traditional humidor made out of a old stereo receiver or some other kind of cool appliance. Console TV?
I like the idea above where you put a veneer around some sort of airtight container like a cooler or tupperdore, But I don't think it's modern looking.
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
Here's a good example, only $2.7 M
Here, both are modern and overpriced.

Colibri at $400
And if that’s not 5th Avenue enough for you then here.