Big Shizza still remembers:
how to lay down a beating! Minding my own business, low profile, etc. My sister informs me a package arrived for me! I’m not expecting anything?! She says Loon Lake, and I rushed right down to the office! Completely unexpected, but certainly appreciated! He even managed to send 3 that I’ve never had! Thanks brother! @Bigshizza
Awesome hit @Bigshizza on a deserving target, @cbuck.
He's ALIVE!!!
Very nice!
What a hit! Nice!
That'll teach him not to mind his own business. Nice hit, Jim.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
Don't let the wife know what you spend on guns, ammo or cigars.
Nice to see Jim come out of hibernation! Dropping serious bombs as always!
If you want to bomb me send it to Tony @0patience
If you are a newbie I got Dem nachos....
So apparently Jim decided to go rogue and take out both of his former Alliance accomplices. Great selection here and I've not had any of the five on the left. I'm especially looking forward to the Crowned Heads sticks. Thank you very much Shizz!
Awesome hit, Jim!
Still a killer!
The Alliance was a thing a while back. Well done Jim.
Jim smacked me upside the head too.... @Bigshizza , thank you!! So much goodness!!
It does my heart good to see all this smacking.
On a totally unrelated subject, what's your current address Randy?
This is like watching Burn Notice!
Just sayin. Someone from the pass should have it. Would have to go back and see who exactly sent it to Randy
Good stuff
-- Winston Churchill