I Be "Owen" Someone a Beatdown
Looks like someone wanted to get cute with me. I got a box with a UPS Store return address in Georgia. Check out the note, our guy has a friend:
He covered up his tracks pretty well. Well, he tried to anyways. Package did have his name: Dale. Hmmm....who is Dale? Oh, I see:
This was in response to @Owen Posting an Umbagog. Okay, but that doesn't prove anything, right? Well, Mister Dale tried to IM our resident unofficial admin on an unrelated related subject, but got sloppy with it and posted it to his wall instead:
Of course, I warned the young lad to be careful
But alas, he did not take my warning seriously.
So now we have an @Owen and an @Yakster who will be making an appearance in the Beatdown thread. @TruDog needs a swat on the nose too, come to think of it. All accomplices are guilty until proven guilty.
As for the bomb, I very much appreciate the smokes, Dale. This will not go unreciprocated, though.
That is all.
Nice stickers.
And....now's a great time for an old timer to randomly communicate Dale's real addy to me.
Doesn't this qualify you for the Beatdown thread?
No, but it qualifies you...