Nailed by a Rusty IED

Yesterday I got a large box from Bart Simpson of Springfield OR filled with two bags of cigars and a cryptic note, Frank sends regards? This one really did some damage, I could only get to it today.
Strangely enough, the USPS tracking shows that the package really started out from WHITESBURG, KY 41858 and not Oregon. It did some comparative handwriting analysis, but what really paid off was comparing the selection of sticks, and there's some great sticks in here, several new to me, with other bombs before I determined that this one's from @Rdp77, TYVM Rusty, I don't know what I did to deserve both barrels, but I appreciate the bomb.
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Thought the note said 'Grin and burn it.'
Nice work, Rusty. I still say Frank colluded in it somehow.
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
Great hit! Good work, Rusty.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
Fuckîng freaks……
TYVM Rusty, I don't know what I did to deserve both barrels, but I appreciate the bomb.
Very welcome... what you do around here is appreciated! Enjoy!
Wow that's quite a haul!!
"Not all heroes eat crepes"