HELP LOL. "Labrum surgery and what to expect."

Please help enlighten me on what to expect as my doctor has told me nothing except expect to be off of work for a while.
Thanks in advance peeps!
Originally from Chicago
I enjoy good cigars and bourbon,
I enjoy good cigars and bourbon,
Never heard of it, but good luck, speedy recovery.
@skydiverD did you get this?
Do you have a bad shoulder??? I’ll be damned if any sumbitch is cutting on me without telling me anything besides that
Thanks @Yakster
I enjoy good cigars and bourbon,
Yeah the MRI revealed a big tear. The doc is a bit of a quack but its workermans comp so I have to use him.
I enjoy good cigars and bourbon,
I had a torn rotator cuff. Totally different from what I understand.
Is the labrum in your hip or your shoulder?
Edit. I see it’s the labrum in your shoulder. Honestly have no idea. But I can tel you the rotator cuff recovery was a mofo.
After googling it, I see you'll have to smoke cigars with your other arm for 4-6 weeks.
Wifey had that surgery last year. Pretty painful. Good luck brother.
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
I've had shoulder surgery, torn rotator cuff with 3 labral tears. Worth the surgery in the long run. DO what the physical therapist tells you to do, GO to the physical therapy.
I hope you don't have one of these idiot doctors who says "I don't believe in pain medication", because it freakin' hurts. Take the meds. Until it's time to stop, then stop. After a few weeks your brain may tell you "I can't do without this". It's lying. You'll be fine.
(Not as bad as my knee replacement, which was the old-fashioned kind before they figured out the hardware.)
Heat before therapy, ice after. In about 6 - 8 weeks, or maybe more, it will start to feel normal, if you do what you're told. If you do like my cousin's husband did, and refuse to do the therapy, it will hurt forever and you'll lose most of the function. Once it starts feeling normal, it's not. You need to build the strength back up slowly, continuously.
Eventually, it's all good. Very glad I had mine done.
Just one tear? Piece of cake.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
Agree. Doing the therapy is 100% the key to getting back to full function. Do it religiously, with focus, and you will have to push past the pain. But in the end, when you recover 100%, it will all be worth it. Did this with both a severed ACL in my knee and years later the torn rotator cuff in my shoulder. I'm a bit like the bionic man now...
When you first wakeup, there is zero pain! Yep, they numb the whole shoulder. You'll be amazed at how heavy a dead weight arm is as its numb and you can't move it at all. Later that evening, the pain blocker/numbness wears off. The pain will be a bit intense for the first couple days, but most specifically that first night is a **** f@cka. Not gonna candy coat that. I took the prescrip pain meds for 2 days (they wreak havoc on my stomach), and after that just went to advil. Therapy starts right away.
Worse part of that whole ordeal was sleeping with a sling on for 4 weeks. I had to sleep sitting upright for the first two weeks.... I wanted to burn that sling after 4 weeks time.
All worth it now, as the shoulder feels great.
Ooh, yeah. I forgot about that. I spent a couple weeks sleeping mostly upright in the recliner. Good tip.
And, that sling and swath is kind of a Chinese puzzle, you'll need help. Also, (ahem) wiping can become a whole new challenge. It's the little things that count.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
Don't wipe. Just buy a few packs of undies and let the remnants melt into your drawers. Toss and repeat #protip
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
Lol #protip
This from a guy who thinks pissing in the shower is unsanitary?
I didn’t know you had shoulder problems Frank? because that’s how you know this… right?
I think it's time to have a heated bidet installed in your water closet.
Nope, I just know...
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
It not just your ability to wipe that is affected. If it's your "usual" hand, it'll be like getting a little strange for a while.
This **** hurts worse than when I was actually injured.
Somehow I took my secure brace off three times last night and proceeded to sleep on my stomach with my am straight up in the air.
Pain is tremendous but I already want to go back to work. (IE: see wife and kids)
I enjoy good cigars and bourbon,
Hang in there.
It WILL get better.
And, some wonderful night in the future, you'll actually get a good nights sleep again.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
Remember, pain, is just weakness leaving the body.
But I am still trying to picture sleeping on your stomach and having your arm straight up in the air? My arms don't bend that way, you must be Gumby LOL
@Phil_from_Chicago What did they prescribe you for pain? 10/325 Norcos or Oxy or other?
Tramadol to start which did nothing. Switched me to norcos which did nothing. Then to T3 w/codeine which surprisingly did nothing,
So I tried something different. I just dealt with the pain. Pop an occasional aleve/tylenol/mortin and that also does nothing.
They gave me a cold ice pack type machine that I wrap my arm in and it helps but I can't keep it on while I sleep,
I have exercises they are giving me to do prior to actual therapy starting which are impossible to do right now but soon they should be easy.
In regards to sleeping with my arm straight up think of it as you are laying on your stomach and you fell asleep on your arm with your face on the forearm. Trying to get my "newly repaired" shoulder back into the normal position is something I never want to experience again.
Best thing to come out of this experience so far is that the pain pills don't work because I have an addictive personality and did not want those interrupting my complete recovery.
Sorry for the long post lol
I enjoy good cigars and bourbon,
Prescrip Pain meds didn't do anything for me either, aside from backup the plumbing and make me woozy. After 6 surgeries, I just learned to use ibuprofen and tough it out. Keeping in your mind that it will get better. And it does. As far as movements go: Think Baby steps. My PT kept having to have me slow down as I was always in weight training mode. It was crushing to be able to military press (weight withheld
) dumbells, and then could not even do a 2 lb once therapy weight training began. Temper your expectations and keep doing the program, even if it feels a little like you're in more pain than yesterday, etc. The recovery is not perfectly linear, and it takes a while. But it will work.
Sorry I didn't respond sooner, was going through previous emails and just seen you responded. Yeah those pain meds can be a real PITA when it comes to going to the bathroom...10/325 Norco's work great for me ONLY when needed but they fvck with my head bad and cause's severe depression if only taking them for just 3-4 days straight for severe pain, when comes time to stop them.
Sorry to hear about the pain your in still...Oxy will probably do the job but very hard to get a prescription for those with the opioid crackdown and highly addictive. Best to do what you're doing and stay away from that poison, especially if they're doing nothing for the pain.
Hope you get to feeling better soon, it sucks, was certain my arm was torn just a couple days ago still but got better by 50% over night and I got off everything asap. I couldn't even lift my arm a half inch when my injury occurred (disc golf).