20 Years: September 11, 2001

My thoughts and prayers are with anyone affected by the horrific events of September 11, 2001. Twenty years ago today our nation showed solidarity as we grieved in unison. Where and what were you doing on this day? If you have anything additional to say please do so. 🇺🇸 God bless the United States of America 🇺🇸
This is an interesting glimpse into the mindset 6 weeks after. I'd never seen this until a couple of days ago. It makes me crave that solidarity, Cam.
Was in study hall in high school, not studying Spanish. I remember our teacher started crying and we had no idea why, so they rolled in a TV and we watched it for the rest of the hour. They cancelled school for the rest of the day shortly after, but we still practiced football that afternoon. If I remember right we scrimmaged that day, probably the worst I've ever played.
Really **** cool, thanks for sharing Peter!
Taking a rare hookie day from work. At a craps table at the casino. We left as soon as we found out, wanting to make sure we were home in case our handicapped son was sent home from work early. It was an eerie drive home, not much traffic, and when there was, if you put a blinker on, people actually slowed down to let you in! Never felt more connected to our fellow travelers. Truly all in this together! And we still are, we just don’t realize it!
We have an annual car show that’s always gone from sept 9-11.
This guy painted up his TA after 2001 and has showed up every year since.
I was working third shift at the time. Hadn’t been asleep long when my grandfather woke me. I watched the second plane hit the tower on the news live. My grandfather told me to try to call my cousin who was still active duty while I sat there in shock. My grandfather turned to me and said “boy, be glad you’re back home. This is the start of a war that cannot be won”. This was a man that enlisted in 1943 and retired in 1969. He saw combat in three wars on two continents. He walked outside and cried to the point that it was painful to watch.
He turned off the tv and refused to watch any news for days. But he loved baseball. We watched this game together and it’s one of those moments that will never leave you. 🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸
I was at work that day. I remember how eery it was when the planes stopped going in and out of Logan airport.
And just so we don't forget, as the media wants us to, it was Muslims who attacked those buildings full of innocent civilians. I'll never forget and damn sure never forgive.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
Wow, just wow. Our old timers need to have a voice louder than they are allowed. They are correct more often than not.
MOW badge received.
Yes they are.
They were also part of the radicalized Islamic group al Qaeda. I don’t dislike Christians, I dislike the Ku Klux Klan. Practitioners of Islam should be viewed the same.
Hard to believe it was 20 years ago.
Our word changed that day and really hasn't ever been the same.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
Fuückin A right. It was a Christian who shot 500 people in Las Vegas And another one who shot up a church and Carolina. Three more bombed a building in Oklahoma City. Jim Anderson was a Christian who murdered a thousand Americans in South America, including a senator. And of course the most pious of them all, stonewell Jackson, prayed to God before during and after every battle where his Stonewall brigade killed more than 100,000 men.
If we'd like to do some new math and how many people in American history have died at the hands of Christians versus how many have died at the hands of Muslims, We can start a counter.
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
@Cam_91 thank you for this thread. And thank you for a kind response to @ShawnOL. I feel bad that I didn't offer that insightful correction as soon as I read his post.
@VegasFrank, thanks for killing this thread.
The day after I loaded up my sea kayak and drove a hour to Lake James. The lake is large. I unloaded and put in and headed for a dam 12 miles down lake. No planes in the sky no boats on the lake and no trucks on the road but I did see a eagle on the lake. At the dam I turned back and dug in. The total paddle took me about 3 and a half hours. I took out and drove back up the mountain. The trip cleared my mind and the solitude cleared my soul.
Yeah no problem peter.
I was serving in the Air Force the day it happened, and I was in Afghanistan the next week for six months, and then 2 other times on top of that. The poor characterization is akin to saying "don't forget it was the Catholics" who bombed Belfast, like the pope had a hand in it. It's an irresponsible comment and I'll say so, no apologies.
I had boots on ground for a year and a half of that 20 year war, or 7.5 percent of it. I lost a friend that day, too. I served next to a few American airmen who were Muslims over there who shít more patriotism than many Americans I know have in their whole bodies. I don't take kindly to irresponsible generalizations on this topic and I have enough skin in the game to say so if I want to, even if it breaks up the party.
The media doesn't like to say that "it was Muslims who attacked those buildings full of innocent civilians" because it's a false and gross generalization of more than a billion people. Thank god for the media, I say.
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
Saying Muslims attacked innocent civilians isn't a false and gross generalization because well, they were Muslim. 🤷♂️
I dont blame Islam or all Muslims. I blame the ones on the plane. But if you guys ever feel unimportant or useless just know, four presidents spent over a trillion dollars over 20 years to replace the Taliban with the Taliban.
-- Winston Churchill
Yeah I feel it. They were also male, so fvck all men as well. Definitely not a gross generalization either since it’s fact
Your adding the **** all part. No where did I say **** all Muslims. In fact I stated the opposite. Reading is fundamental.
-- Winston Churchill
And yes, men are asshòles. Just ask a women
-- Winston Churchill
This is where I was hoping the thread wouldn't go, hence my comment to Frank. Shawn made the 'Muslims suck' comment, Cam answered it (very well) and that's all that was needed. I read Cam's intention for starting the thread was to comment on 9/11, our memories of it, and how it impacted us; it didn't need a pile-on of what-about-ism - "you think Muslims are bad, what about all the atrocities by Christians (in name only, I might add) because a thread-jack like that just leads to dissension amongst friends. I wouldn't squelch your privilege to comment, Frank, since I'm guilty of the same at times; I would've rather heard your 9/11 experiences, that's all.
I agree Peter. See Frank, you are an asshòle
-- Winston Churchill
I understand Peter, and it’s nothing towards Nick. I refuse to let islamophobic rhetoric go un-denounced in this thread. It’s not fair to the 99% of Muslims that aren’t radicalized, c’mon it’s the largest g’damn religion in the world. To me it’s like hating the Germans for Hitler and the **** party. So it doesn’t make me feel indifferent to anyone feeling the opposite, just know that I will speak up in this September 11th thread and it won’t go unchallenged. You wanna talk like that then go find another thread
How is n a z i , a bad word? It’s historical. Censorship at its finest, I blame Biden Lol
It's a bad word, cam. It's a word that ccom doesn't want showing up in it's searches.
Nick is right, he didn't say it or infer it that all Muslims were responsible. But the post I responded to DID infer it. That inference is what I wouldn't let go.
As for my experiences, they were average. We saw it on tv that morning. They shut traffic down to the base right after the first one, nobody in or out, not like I was trying to leave. Also shut phones off as well, and it was the time before cell phones for most people. They knew 2 minutes after the first one that it was terrorists, nevermind the tv speculation. Finally got home that night around 11.
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
I was on night shift then. Just about to go to bed when we saw the old widow up the road driving slowly, I thought she was looking for her cat again, but she just drove that way. She said "There's some kind of plane crash in New York, my son's on a plane to New York..". I came in and turned on the TV just in time to see the second plane hit. Sad sad day.
Regarding the Islamic aspect, I said all I had to say back then in The Good Muslim thread. No point rejoining that here, and now.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
Godwin's Law. Also, it's probably part of the standard list of banned words from the forum provider that CCOM.
The forum censors are nahtzees.