Back After 4 Years

Hey Guys!!
Took a bit of a life break, my little girl developed a bit of depression and anxiety. We found a fantastic out-patient program and she is doing awesome. She is doing so well, she has moved out with her girlfriend and they are making a nice lil start in the real world. Im smoking more cigars now (since the lack of child around) For all of you Dads that have been there WTF, pretty damn lonely without my kid!! Hey, thanks for listening, looking forward to good conversations!!! Smoke on!!
Welcome back!
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
welcome back Chris. Congrats to your daughter for dealing with it rather than sadly coping.
Welcome back @flowbee, kids, eh? I've got one out the door but the other one keeps sticking around. I don't know how I'll deal with it once it's just me and the Wife.
Hey Chris!
yessir!! she is a strong person, and she now knows how to beat it everyday!!
OMG!! I forgot about those vherfs!! Still doing them?
Hey Stubbs, been awhile!! Glad to see some of my ole buds still around!
More then ever, they've really picked up and work so much better since we switched to Zoom. Nowadays everyone's got a vHerf, but the one here at CCOM goes back a long ways.
Hello @flowbee
Do you cut your own hair @flowbee?
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
LOL Well, I used too!!! now its low maintenance!
Welcome back , and hello to you sir!
Welcome back sir.
Thankyou!!> @EgoBoundary said:
Hello, good to meet ya.
Don't let the wife know what you spend on guns, ammo or cigars.
Welcome back always great to hear from forum OG’s.
If you want to bomb me send it to Tony @0patience
If you are a newbie I got Dem nachos....
Thankyou! Nice to see you again!!!
Welcome back! Bet those cigars are tasting better than ever. I'm on a little hiatus myself for the last few months (cold weather and life getting in the way) and every time I take a little break and come back I always love it. Cigars taste so good after a little palate reset. I also went through something similar with my daughter so I can appreciate your struggle. Glad to hear things are looking up!
Thankyou CAcigarguy007, I learned alot about understanding anxiety and how people who are struggling are afraid to open up and ask for help. I know how to see signs of people struggling without asking, and sometimes a little good conversation can get them on the right path without feeling embarrassed or afraid of what others may think!!
Now for the cigars, I have been smoking all along, and the sticks I have from the years when I was more active are aging nicely!! I have some hidden Gems in the Cooler-dor I made from the Cigar101 discussion group 7 years ago
Hey Chris! @flowbee I was away for a few days and didn't see this thread but then I noticed you posting in other threads and wondered "when did he sneak back in?" LOL Welcome back brother. Get on the vHerf sometime.
Welcome back
Thanks Bob, I ve popping on the Herf around 8 eastern last couple nights got my setup working!! Cya in there soon