The top of my cooler is reading 63% while the bottom says 65% and thus all my marlbolo lights are drying out.
I use a cooler with a 12 pack of bovedas but am open to suggestions.
As a emergency measure I'm emptying every bottle of propylene glycol I can find, but it's making my acids taste funny.
All help is needed, I am very very new to this forum. I wish to consult the cooler mafia which has taken an iron grip on this group.
I don’t know **** about cooler storage, nor do I use them for my cigars. I only use them for beer.
MOW badge received.
@VegasFrank plz help
This is an easy fix. Get a giant garbage bag, the kind with a draw string. Put it over your head and pull the strings tight.
Then, suck in as hard as you can.
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
I like how a sarcastic post on a sarcastic thread gets a flag.
MOW badge received.
I put up a way more offensive post in a different thread a few hours ago that I'm shocked hasn't been flagged yet. Maybe our anonymous flaggers just haven't seen it.
I haven't...uh, they haven't...
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
Oh, you mean the one with the bong and the autism sticker? That's not offensive. That's facts 😃
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
I just used his avatar.
Damn, I saw the name of the thread and who posted it and thought for sure he was back in a Colombian jail
My favorite cigar list here
That's next week, you ruined everything!
Have to lay low.