Noob- What Cutter and Lighter

Hello, new to all of this as a week ago and there seems to be a lot of unknown for me. Could I get a little direction on a recommended cutter and a decent lighter?
Thanks for any help.
Hello, new to all of this as a week ago and there seems to be a lot of unknown for me. Could I get a little direction on a recommended cutter and a decent lighter?
Thanks for any help.
I like a straight cut. You can grab a xikar on cigarauctioneer cheap. I also like a triple or quad torch for lighting and a single torch for touch ups
-- Winston Churchill
Thank you sir, I'll check those out.
Lighter - Vertigo. Cyclone is 8 bucks or less on amazon.. it's a triple flame.
Cutter - palio. You can get them on cigar page 3 for 30. Xikar is nice too but more expensive.
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
if you have a zippo lighter this insert has proven reliable for me:
Thank you for the recommendations and the welcome.
I do not but that is very neat!
I've always wanted a zippo.
2nd Palio. Great cutter and you can get them for $20 or less
Love this thxs Edward
What's the difference between a hippo and a zippo?
A hippo is very heavy; a zippo is a little lighter.
The most reliable lighter I've ever had is the Scorch Torch triple flame. I have two now, the first one is in the RV, just so I'll always have one there. It's about 10 years old, all the paint's worn off, and it's never hiccupped even once. Just refill, and blaze on. I have a Xicar single flame for touch-ups. Only a couple months old, no troubles so far.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
Agree. I have a scorch also and it's lit about a thousand sticks for me, no problem. Fifteen bucks full metal jacket, with a fuel window.
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
Whichever lighter and cutter you can afford.
"Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another." - Proverbs 27:17
I can afford a lot of them but I'm not sure which are actually worth their asking price. I've had some good suggestions though.
I use a Savoy brand double guillotine and a punch cutter that is on the bottom of one of my lighters. It just depends on which one I feel like using and the gauge of the cigar. I just wanted to get across that you don't have to get anything fancy right off the bat, because I know folks sometimes feel pressure to do that.
You can't really go wrong looking for advice here, lots of knowledgeable men frequent this forum.
"Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another." - Proverbs 27:17
For outdoors in the cold or wind, I recommend the vertigo Zeus. It has foam inside the tank, and the the only reason I can come up with is so that it lights in the cold. 20° no problems, no warm-ups. I keep it outside on the porch.
It's a single flame but a big single flame so you get precision and volume. It goes through a ton of fuel. I've had two of these crap out on me because all the workings are all plastic, which is the downside, but I get 400 or 500 cigars out of each one.
12 bucks
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
Thanks guys, appreciate it!
I know all of you guys live in the cold weather, but I think it’s worth mentioning that these smaller lighters need to be kept warm or in your pocket in cold weather … many of them do not work as well in temps as low as 40s-50 (unless warned up)… which happens occasionally in SC.
I'm a fan of V cutters and use my Xikar XV2 for almost every cigar. You can't cut off too much of the cap with a V cutter. Some people prefer the Colibri which makes a deeper v cut.
And remember to use good fuel.
Cleaning your cutter blades with Isopropyl alcohol periodically helps to get a clean cut of the cap of the cigar without snags.
I have this bundle in my work jacket
Chair in my garage
Tupperware on the boat right next to the first aid kit
Center console in the suburban
The cutters are like $2 or $3 and the lighter was a menards bin special also $2 or $3 bucks maybe $1 I can't remember.
Also, I feel a v-cut keeps loose tobacco from getting in my mouth. I'm easily annoyed when I have to spit out ribbons of tobacco while smoking a cigar.
What is a menards bin?
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
Fvck it. Matches and bite the cap off like a savage.
It's hard to explain, you'd have to see it to believe it. If you come to MKE in June we promise to show you one.
Plus, foam inside a lighter sitting outside doesn't help. Well, maybe if it was inside before going out, the foam would help in the short term.
Don't worry, within a couple years you'll have a small collection of them.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
Yeah probably so. I always found it curious that the foam was in the tank. Is it to prevent the plastic tank from building up too much pressure because it's big? Seems that I have lighters with much bigger tanks that are probably also plastic.
Who knows? I guess as long as it continues to light when it's cold, that's all I care about.
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
my zippo lighter butane replacement has an open-cell foam strip in the secondary chamber that traps any bits than make their way in when one refills. I presume its purpose is to prevent plugged jets.
BIC FOR THE WIN! The less you spend on accessories them more cigars you can get.
MOW badge received.
Just so you know, Zippo and Ronson are NOT good fuel. Some of their lighters are good, but not their butane.
I use Lucienne almost exclusively, but there are other good ones.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain