Durango Cigars?

Has anyone ever tried this brand?
If so, what do you think about them?
They look pretty interesting.
Has anyone ever tried this brand?
If so, what do you think about them?
They look pretty interesting.
Pipe tobacco cigar. I've had two, and I'm not a giant fan. I have had the stillwell stars from Dunbarton. The aromatic one burnt out my palate for 2 days. The Navy one burnt out my pallet for a night. If you try them let us know how they are.
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
Did they at least put out a pleasant pipe smoke scent?
If I want to smoke pipe tobacco, I'll load up a pipe with about 25¢ of pipe tobacco. I can't see spending $15 - 20 for a cigar with pipe tobacco in it.
I tried to smoke a pipe a few times, just can't catch on to it. I've watched multiple videos about how to pack a pipe And I think I actually do a good job at packing. I just can't seem to keep the darn thing lit without getting tongue bite.
Finally gave up.
Yeah, it's a challenge to learn the right pacing, more like sipping on smoldering tobacco that's just about to go out is the sweet spot for many. With a pipe there's no shame or taste penalty to relights.
But pipes are a whole 'nother rabbit hole to go down.
My fault, poor wording. Durangoes are pipe tobacco cigars. I haven't had any durangos. I've had two pipe tobacco cigars, both were from Dunbarton tobacco and trust.
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
If you give it a shot, hit us up with the details … I am still trying to figure out if I need to buy all the Padrons
I had never heard of these before, and actually got them recommended to me by a fellow cigar guy just last week. Said he absolutely love them. He was smoking a triqui traca at the time. They do sound interesting. I'm tempted to call them up and see if they can through a sampler together.
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