ISO metal cigar tubes

A friend of mine here at work is looking for some metal cigar tubes (various sizes). He's building a model train town and will use them on the train and in other areas of the town. Yea I can't visualize it either but he will send pics once completed. If you have any please let me know
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt
— Abraham Lincoln2
I’ll see what I have. I don’t buy many tubos but I have a few that were gifted to me.
I'll have to look, but I don't think I have many, if any. I just recently learned that the Japanese build toy robots out of discarded tuna cans, I'd be interested to see what your friend builds out of metal cigar tubes.
I don't know... can we trust Allan? If this was @Usaf06 I'd say it's a trap. We'll see...
You think this could come back to bite us, Peter?
I would never do something like that

Here's an update on the cigar tubes. My friend Mark used them in his model railroad display. He used them as buildings

That's cool.
That is some seriously cool craftmanship.
"Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another." - Proverbs 27:17