Real news outlets

I know this has been discussed before but I am asking again. Where do you guys get the most honest news from? So tired of listening to all the bullshit and lies.
I know this has been discussed before but I am asking again. Where do you guys get the most honest news from? So tired of listening to all the bullshit and lies.
Well, I have bad news....
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
Daily Wire, Epoch Times, Reuters, Not the Bee, and the Babylon Bee when I want a chuckle.
I also occasionally watch the Louder with Crowder Show on Blaze TV or Matt Christianson on Rumble.
Unbiased reporting is hard to come by, so I just try to keep that in mind as I read the articles and watch the shows.
"Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another." - Proverbs 27:17
As far as within the US I haven’t found one that isn’t politically driven. The most informative place I’ve found to get news on a world stage is al jazeera is pretty good. They combine common news from different sources and give a leaning rating to the sources.
Generally, I look at a few of the major networks on both sides and figure the truth is somewhere between their reporting
I forget how I stumbled onto Ground News, but it's been good so far. They pull their news articles from a bunch of outlets and have a colored bar on each headline to show who's reporting it, Left or Right, and have a Blindspot feature that'll run stories that are meant to show opposing viewpoints. So far, I like it a lot. It helps see biases in various stories and aids in seeing some truthful reporting.
Everything has a point of view, including the viewer.
These are some of many I read:
BBC, apnews, upi, al Jazeera....
I've been checking out AllSides and GroundNews this morning and I am liking the rating systems. I send my thanks to @TheKraken and @peter4jc for mentioning these sources.
"Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another." - Proverbs 27:17
Peter told me about this on vherf and I also recommend it, since bias is in every news source in America, I like how this site illustrates that bias.
In terms of finding unbiased news, I recommend checking the newspaper websites of medium sized cities in slightly red states. The cities tend to lean blue and the surrounding suburbs lean red, and the town is too small for the paper to be able to pick one side or the other and stay in business, so they have to cater to both at the same time. The Des Moines Register is a personal recommendation, and they have great primary race coverage once Iowa becomes front and center again in a few years.
The Springfield News Leader is Gannett owned, local stories display the same left leanings as USA Today
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Fox News?
I want someone with deep pockets and an open mind to start a TV news company where he or she hires opinionated know-it-alls from both sides and lets them debate the hot button issues, without any home field advantage. Imagine merging Fox and CNN but no individual gets their own show, they would always be paired with someone who may challenge them. I think it would weed out a lot of mental midgets who only survive because they never leave their own locker room.
Wishful thinking, I know.
And shock collars! They get equal time to speak and if they go over their allotted time, or if there are any interruptions, there will be consequences.
Now I'm just dreaming.
Hmm, actually discussing the issues, novel concept Bob_Luken, but who would watch it? Uninformed opinions rule in this tltr age.
There was that one show on FOX where Sean Hannity would beat the crap out of a sock monkey called Alan Colmes, but that's about as close as we've been since Tim Russert died.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
I thought about this a little bit, and it wouldn't even need to be a TV channel today, it could just be a Youtube channel. Instead of electric collars (which I would like to see, but which would cut down on the quality of guests willing to go on) you could just have someone in charge of the broadcast who mutes everyone who isn't speaking, and mutes the person speaking after a certain amount of time to let the other side talk. I just can't help but think that people in America don't want unbiased news or fair news. It's not as if no one has ever though "Y'know, maybe we should make a news show that just tells the facts of the matter with no spin." or "Let's have a Republican and Democrat on to discuss an issue, but have them BOTH be smart and reasonable." The market has just decided it doesn't work anymore.
There's a reason that AT&T owns both CNN and OAN. You've got both channels claiming the other one is fake news and anti American, but they're the same thing, making money for the same people. It's just reality TV, but it's what people have decided they prefer. There's a reason that people from one of those networks don't go on the other network. It's because the viewer doesn't like being proven wrong, so each viewer gets their own echo chamber instead, and the same people make money off of both sides of it.
Tim Pool does a couple news podcasts that I have enjoyed, don't always agree but it's all good. I can listen when I have time.
It's a big mess for sure. People want to know what's going on. More than that they want to know why it's going on, and more than that, because most people have selfish interests, they want to know what's going on and why so they know what to do about it (or be the pompous ass that knows it all). We're in this "age of information" - who knows when it started - where we want to be well-informed. The problem that creates, especially in this age, is the overload of information both good and bad that comes to us, which in turn messes with our heads because we don't know if it's true or how to process it. That's why I stopped listening to talk radio and politics TV, because it was information that was unactionable. You learn all these things about this and that, but what can you do w/ that information? Sticking one's head in the sand isn't a great option, but neither is having tons of media pumping your head full of stuff that most likely has zero impact on your life and/or is stuff you can do nothing about.
I think many Americans only listen to their preferred side because there is just so much "news" being vomited out these days. It becomes overwhelming and listening only to one side makes things easier to digest and understand because you no longer have to consider alternative views.
Perhaps our American way of cramming our lives full of activities and whatnot contributes to the low stamina so many have when it comes to newsworthy topics that demand more thought and consideration?
"Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another." - Proverbs 27:17
^^^ Right. As a whole, Americans are too busy and too lazy to work hard at finding truth. Sometimes, it's a matter of not wanting the Truth because it would mean having to do something about it.
Real journalism, fairly presenting both side then letting the viewer decide the best course, is never coming back. It hasn't even been taught as a guiding principle of Journalism, in probably 30 years.
Don't let the wife know what you spend on guns, ammo or cigars.
Sad but true
Tim Pool has 1.3 million subscribers. Puts the average TV news show to shame.
Rubin makes a good living off 1.7 million
Russel Brand has well over five million!! AND he's funny.
Tucker has nearly ten million.
Spotify claims 406 million monthly views of Joe Rogan. Holy crap. He's the king.
... but then, pewdiepie has like 111 million on YouTube.
Legacy media is dying a well deserved death. Can't happen soon enough for me.
It's Gresham's Law at work.
I had to google that term, it is an interesting concept.
"Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another." - Proverbs 27:17
You’re exactly right. People want to be well informed; however, they don’t want to educate themselves about said information. By not educating themselves about the information they cannot intelligently determine if the information being pumped into them from one side or the other is true or not. It is just another form of our laziness as a society. It’s easier to have someone else do your thinking for you.
And it applies all over the place.
Sports radio?
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