Unpressed Cigars

I was recently in the Bahamas and rolled my own cigars and smoked it right there. The smoke was fantastic with such an easy pull. Anyone know if you can buy cigars prior to them being pressed?
I was recently in the Bahamas and rolled my own cigars and smoked it right there. The smoke was fantastic with such an easy pull. Anyone know if you can buy cigars prior to them being pressed?
no, but you can buy leaf and roll your own.
@webmost rolls his own cigars from whole leaf tobacco he buys online. There's a thread or two on here talking about it, I think the main one is:
Or you can buy a padron
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
Not sure what you mean by "unpressed".
When I hear "pressed", I think of a cigar which has been box pressed, to give it flat sides in cross section.
Do you mean that the leaves were bunched and bound, but that bound bunch was immediately wrapped, rather than setting it in a mold to get a completely uniform shape? I'm wondering why. What appeals to you about an unmolded gar? There's prolly someone selling unmolded somewheres... I don't know who or where.
But you can easily repeat your Bahamas experience. Here is a link to a vid showing how you can make a cigar without a mold but with a presentable uniformity:
Be sure that you add salty air, tropical breeze, & an icy rum drink or two, to get the authentic effect.
Experience is everything.
This desire to find unpressed cigars is an attempt to relive an experience… if the weather is **** , and you are smoking the same “unpressed “ cigar in a motel parking lot with your least favorite person, you won’t have very much fun.
Try other cigars, you might be surprised.