Pipe identification
I came across a pipe the other day that piqued my interest. Of course I had to buy it but that’s beside the point lol. Neither I nor the previous owner have been able to find any information on the pipe. I have searched pipedia and came up with nothing. Maybe one of you can shed some light or know of a better place to search. I’m guessing it is Danish made. The thing that is really intriguing me is the carburetor.
The only markings on it are BLUESTRIKE and the numbers 006. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I only found mention of this in the search results for ETSY listings, but when I click on the listings I don't see anything related. The search results text is "BLUESTRIKE 3006 Sandblast Briar Pickaxe "C" Word Mystery Pipe DENMARK?"
The pipe and stem remind me of this one from SP: https://www.smokingpipes.com/pipes/new/G-Penzo/moreinfo.cfm?product_id=283406
Medico had a similar carb hole on the bottom of the bowl in some of the "Guardian" line, I know that is not what you are looking for but I found it interesting.

Peterson makes a similar pipe in their Calabash line, nearly the same stem and bowl shape but no carburetor
Wow, how did that work out? Seems like it might get a little warm lol
and drippy
That's what she said.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
Btw. Don't be tempted to buy this, the bowl is very small, about 1/2" if I remember correctly,
Edit: just checked and the bowl is 0.64" and 1.28" deep, the pipe weighs 0.60 oz.
Thanks for the heads-up Edward.
Damn.... and I thought this was like the Bum of the Week thread.