The official TruDog translation thread
Posts: 18,580 ✭✭✭✭✭
By popular demand! Post your requests today and I'll translate the schizo for ya...
First one:
@TruDog said:
......SMiLe'N...................And Pour'N.
I'm happy to be drinking some alcohol tonight, but that doesn't mean I'm smoking a cigar. Of course, it doesn't mean I'm not smoking one either.
Disclaimer: All trolling is provided for the sole entertainment purposes of the author only. Readers may find entertainment and hard core truths, but none are intended. Any resulting damaged feelings or arse chapping of the reader are the sole responsibility of the reader, to include, but not limited to: crying, anger, revenge pørn, and abandonment or deletion of ccom accounts. Offer void in Utah because Utah is terrible.
Hey @VegasFrank, I need some attention. Will you please respond to me?
Non cigar related, wrong forum.
....probley mentioned, Ikinned liked this kid / showedUp on the Banter ......named FraNK... Baby boY,/GraBBed him uP. My BoYE FranKY....
...You really should Enjoy some of these Mushrooms., Make You SmiLe.
I think I may have mentioned this before, but I discovered this gentleman on the "ye old ci banter" thread in the general discussion forum named @VegasFrank. I liked this young man and befriended him. He is my buddy now.
I am currently consuming some illegal substances, which endure hallucinations. This causes me to hit my CAPS button fewer times and create more lucid content. They also put me in a pleasant mood. I recommend trying them.
I am having another cocktail right now. I've turned the bill of my cap to the side a tad, and I am smoking a cigar. Hello Mr. Schmidt! Happy Friday.
....Damn, .....MoFo's oughta share sum daT sTuFF..........****
Oh no! These fine young men have cracked my code. I thought that my synthetics put me at a higher mental level. I must now reexamine my life choices. Oh, and I still haven't figured out the swear word filter. Doh!
We Just KiCK yo ass, whiLe smoking a Cigar.
Excellent Thoughts, but Bro (hat twisted) LuV da DoG. WiNK to You FooL.
....SCha ShcIcK ssckiA....=....we hanG'n out.
Sound of a beer pull tab?
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
Thanks for the assist. I had no idea on that one.
Funny stuff! Thanks Yakster.
That's a very nice cigar, young man.
I'm a little inebriated, and I've already answered the question about my peculiar capitalization method. Basically, it's a little random, but it has to look good, so I might go back and change one or two from time to time.
The more pressing issue is that my genitalia is burning, and I could really use some cooling down there. Do you have any suggestions?
I was thinking "HoLLywwod (sic) SwiNg'N" = "Gentlemen, I am sitting here enjoying an entertaining cinematic production."
You are the new master. I feel like Gene Hackman in right now.
@VegasFrank, haha, no, you may retain the helm. I am better in a support role.
Ya FranK. lay down and Lick my Nuts. Translate that lil ****.
....starting a thread on me. SniFF, a major mistake boy.
...Ive been here since 2009, you are a PunK Kid. Fu-C-K You; Im a Senior ****.
in other words your a C-u -n-T...
....and Go F-Y-S
Sad to be that way, but **** gonna be a ...
Promise. I'll deal with you lil ****.