Home Pipes

Noob reviews- SPC Plum Pudding

Smoug420Smoug420 Posts: 61

Upon opening the tin my nostrils were met with a pungent smokey iodine smell if you've ever had peated scotch it's similar to that. A little sweet under tone and that's all I got.

The flake was dry so I put a slightly wet paper towel over the top of the tin resealed it and waited 8 hours then checked it again and it was good.

The flavor in both halfs of the bowl was an amazing flavor of smokey, pepper, slightly sweet, and savory full bodied smoke. It kinda reminded me of smoking bbq sauce in a good way! The flavor never faded from the first puff to the last sip, the smoke would evolve back and forth between more smokey, more savory, and slightly sweeter which I enjoyed as it kept my taste buds on their toes.

Room note was not non-smoker friendly but enjoyable to me.

Overall one of my favorite tobaccos right now.

Age when smoked- 5 years

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