Well 💩

My PayPal got hacked. Someone used it to buy 800$ worth of Bitcoin. Spent 4 hours on the phone with them just to get everything associated with PayPal closed down. Which was more than I knew. What a pain that was. I was exhausted by the time it was over. And still got to go through it again tomorrow. To make sure we didn’t miss something.
That definitely is ****
MOW badge received.
Dang, that sucks.
Damn, I hope you can get it straightened out
I am sorry to hear that, Ricky. I hope you are able to get it all sorted out without too much more trouble.
"Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another." - Proverbs 27:17
That sucks. Sorry it happened to you, Ricky.
I know, You're a big dog and I'm on the list.
Let's eat, GrandMa. / Let's eat GrandMa. -- Punctuation saves lives
It'll be fine once the swelling goes down.
That sux Ricky. Hope you can get it all cleared up quickly.
I've used PayPal, not often but occasionally, probably should shut that s*** down. Go get them Ricky, let us know if they support the recovery.
I used to use PayPal because it seemed like a good idea to have the interface between the seller and my cc info. Guess not.
The first and only time my father used PayPal, someone in Vietnam charged his account for the parts to build a complete PC.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
Damn that sucks. Were you using the feature that you need a code texted to your phone to log in even after you use your password? Just curious how safe mine is now.
I dumped PayPal four years ago. When I used it I had it tied to a single card with a $500 limit. With the web thieves keep stealing and never get caught. Sorry it happened Ricky.
I got ripped by PayPal many years ago, when they first started up. Impossible to get a resolution from the idjuts. So I didn't use them again until just recently. Turns out that if you are going to efficiently use eBay for business, then you have to have a PayPal account. So I hooked yup again last January. Good thing you reminded me... I need to remove all but a moiety from the bank acct that is linked to PayPal. Limit the damage.
Yep but it didn’t help
As soon as it’s all cleared up I’m dropping it. Don’t know what else is more safe to use though. Maybe Venmo
That sucks Ricky. Mine got hacked years ago. Someone bought a plane ticket to finland. They resolved and repaid everything.
If you were not on the boat, I might have asked that you look around for notes drunk Ricky left you first
My favorite cigar list here
Venmo is part of PayPal. I link them to an account with limited funds and not a cc. Been lucky so far. Fund the account before using the PayPal or Venmo for payment.
PayPal bought Venmo a couple three years back, IIRC. Way to eliminate the competition. Why monopoly law doesn't apply I don't know.
Maybe zele
It appears they are going to fix it. We shall see
Well did you know that you can get phishing messages from scammers on PayPal? I didn’t. Long story short I got suckered. Turns out the guy I was talking wasn’t from PayPal. It’s a bigger mess now. Fvck
I can’t believe I fell for it. I did actually get ahold of PayPal but only after I realized something was wrong.
Not out any money yet, it’s still being looked into. Going to call the bank and talk to my buddy and see if I can get PayPal blocked so they can’t take the money. If that’s legal.
Another tip do not ever let someone talk you into downloading an app called Any Desk! It allows them to see anything on your phone or computer. Been a long day changing passwords and codes.
Yeah, any time you get a text, email or message, look up the phone number for your Bank, PayPal, or whatever and call them, don't use any of the links sent you. Sorry to hear Ricky. that sucks.
Yeah I thought I was smarter than that. Reckon not
These scammers are very good at what they do. They make it look very legit
My favorite cigar list here
Anytime you get contacted regarding your money, hang up or delete and investigate yourself.
MOW badge received.
Wish I had. I didn’t know people can send messages through PayPal. I just assumed it was PayPal because it said customer support. If it would have been a message on my phone or an email that’s what I would have done. I get about five of those a day and I just delete them. On the plus side my bank said they should just be able to reject them and send them back to PayPal. Got to close my bank accounts when I get home and open new ones. And they said if anything else comes through that I dispute they will reject them.
Glad I’m buddies with one of the bank managers
I hope he smokes cigars, so you can rightfully show your appreciation.
I’ll find out
Throw him an Opus X