
in Cigar 101
Saw the discussion of this from a couple years ago, but lately it’s been happening to me (actually, to my cigars) a lot. I’d guess at least five of my last 14 or 15 sticks have tunneled to once extent or another. All different brands. Anybody else having that much trouble? Manufacturers losing their touch? All the experienced rollers suddenly retire?
Post some pictures.
But I hardly know you.
Oh, I get it.
I’ll do that next time. Hopefully my AVO doesn’t do it tonight.
What rh are you storing them at?
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
Highly doubtful
Welcome Larry. You have a very interesting profile.
You joined way back, almost the beginning of the forum, as an apparent newbie.
You asked one question.
Nearly 14 years later,....... you return to ask one more question.
Have you been lurking here 14 years?
Did you smoke cigars uninterrupted these14 years?
What's your story, your cigar experience?
A good place to tell us about yourself would be "the newbie welcoming thread".
(A thread that wasn't even created until 8 years after your first post.)
Never change, @Bob_Luken.
"Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another." - Proverbs 27:17
I'm so glad Bob posts a lot of what I'm thinking.
Don't let the wife know what you spend on guns, ammo or cigars.
14 years? Wow. Time do fly.
Sort of like the little kid who didn't say a word until he was ten and then complained about dinner. Everything's been pretty good until this annoying problem.
My long-term humidors are at 70%. I move the sticks into a desktop at 65% and let them sit for a week and a half or more before burning. Let tonight's sit out for an hour or so before lighting.
You talking to me
Any issues with the AVO?
Not a one. "Twas wonderful.
Glad to hear that it didn't tunnel.
See you in '34.
I get back every once in a while, I enjoyed the dudes sense of humor.
I myself have had alot of issues with cigars tunneling lately, taste like crap, recalibrated hygrometers etc, even re-seasoned humidors, Been smoking for 15 years never had the issues I have had last few months, Beginning to wonder on quality of the cigars from cigar.com
Two comments, roughly six years apart, both are complaints, and the second insinuates that cigar.com somehow manages to buy inferior product of the same brands as everyone else?
"Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another." - Proverbs 27:17
It’s called user error!
MOW badge received.
It just amazes me that in fifteen years he has never bought from anywhere but cigar.com.
Yeah, the victor Sinclair's from cbid burn much better.
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
I think a lot of tunneling starts with the light of the cigar. Toasting too close with a torch can burn the looser tobacco in the center faster then the tighter rolled outer layers. I try and toast outside inward.
-- Winston Churchill