Found an old box of NBK's at my local B&M

I was talking to the owner at a local shop and we got on the topic of which cigars were selling and not selling... so they mentioned they bought a few boxes of these NBKs that have been sitting in the humidor since 2016. I don't know how to decipher the code on the bottom so I posted a question on the black label FB page.
Does it sound like a decent deal to buy these for $180?
"Not all heroes eat crepes"
That small batch outfit has them at 210, doubt they are aged like those.
I'd get them before @Patrickbrick or @peter4jc figure out where your local shop is.
Was BLTC making them in '16?
To answer your question, in my mind it depends on if you think aged cigars are worth more. Like, if I was going to sell some of my 10-year old cigars are they worth more? I say no.
I don't think time will necessarily heal a dog rocket but I'm my experience time on a fine cigar tend to make it a little finer.
I had bad burn issues with the original release as did several others. Doesn't seem to be a problem since then though.
Why aren’t they open? Do they have an open box selling it as singles? Just my experience…being wrapped in that plastic for that long in those boxes isn’t a good thing. That heavy lacquer they use friggin stinks.
So it’s like Peter said, are them being aged worth that much more to you?
I wondered about that too. They have 3 boxes and they are all sealed. They had a price tag of $10.95 per cigar but no open box, so I guess no one ever bought one. These are California prices so they include they include the 66% tax.
The store is one of my favorites and I am willing to pay above online prices to help them stay alive, so I bought the box. Hope they are worth it
"Not all heroes eat crepes"
Which are these? DR's or fine cigars? Haha
"Not all heroes eat crepes"
I will take the 5th on this
My favorite cigar list here
Is "aged" a process?
Or is it just "old"?
I guess if they were in the stores humidor the whole time, they're aged. If they were in the basement by the furnace, they're just old.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
That's a good price for Calif. B&M, but otherwise...
My box smoked and is still smoking great, however as stated I know of many people that were unable to smoke them. I think one individual even tossed them, out of frustration.
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