What else is in your pipe?

I've started loading my pipe with green bud. I have in the last week visited a recreational marijuana dispensary. I know the laws are state to state on this but apparently all cool here in AZ. I haven't smoked weed in 38 years due to testing requirements for work, but I am retired now.
If you have a favorite blend I would like to hear about it. Feel free to PM me if your state doesn't align with your preferences.
A little dirt never hurt
I recommend looking into the vape cartridges they have now less hassle.
been 39 years for me since I partook, had to stop in order to not drink. More than half a lifetime ago, time sure does fly.
edit: less than half a lifetime by a few years.
and another edit: make that 38 years. Math isn't a strong suit for me.
and one more: I'll be 75 this fall and so it is just a year less than half a lifetime. still fried.
Wonka bar.

Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
See? We told you retirement would get better.
I live in Tennessee, so, having visited states like Colorado, Michigan, etc., all I can add is that things have changed A LOT since the 70's. I recommend going very slowly, if at all.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
Funny how they’re allowed to give that actual flavor names…but heaven forbid you do for tobacco.
I hear ya brother, changed quite a bit from the old Mexican dirtweed days. I was a pioneer growing under lights, in western WA the growing season was to short but under lights you could control the length of daylight and temperature and could kick out a crop in about four months. I used to give away those brown paper grocery bags full of green bud cuz I had another crop due.
Bet you were pretty popular DD.
I never had a grocery bag returned.
Back in the early 70's when I lived on St.Croix I was a grower too. Plants taller than me were the norm. Used to make walking sticks out of the stems. Was mild compared to the bud these days. Fast forward 50 years and now I like to munch on a gummy now and then.
When my brother was in high school, he worked on a dairy farm. He had a plant growing behind the barn that was visible from the highway, took a chainsaw to cut it down.
Don't let the wife know what you spend on guns, ammo or cigars.