Help with this humi
My new humi came in. No instructions. Looks like gel pearls in a chrome adjustable slot humidifier. I tried to soak them in 50/50 and they swelled a bit. I drained it and put it in a bag with my hygrometer (digital-calibrated). Reads 80+ in the bag. Even with vents closed. I am letting it air out and then test again.
Is the rig just too much for a small bag, it’s going into a 120ct box, will this be fine?
Appreciate any help on maintenance and next steps. I can send a pic if needed.
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Boom...Sherm to the rescue
Don't listen to those guys bro. Use your beads. I use beads in all of my wooden boxes. Put that 50/50 solution in the garbage. Just used distilled water with it. Don't worry about what the humidity in the bag says. Those things will off gas in a small area. Big time.
Question, is your humidor preseasoned? If not, open the vents all the way with your distilled water soaked beads, close the box for 2 weeks and don't open it.
After that, we'll talk.
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
If you have cigars now, put those in a plastic bag with a boveda until your humidor is ready. They will be fine.
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
Welcome to the forum TK (@Todd_K), glad to see you jump right in. Frank gives good advice, but if you meet him on vHerf (Zoom call hangout sessions) you'll learn that he's always right. I'm not as smart as he is so I just use Bovedas because they're so easy.
What he said about seasoning your wooden humidor for two weeks, not even opening the box to check for those two weeks, is what I was going to add, but with Boveda 84% seasoning packages. This gives the wood in the humidor time to absorb moisture so that when you add the cigars the box won't rob the moisture from the cigars but will help regulate the humidity in the box. Once your done seasoning, I'd use 65% Boveda packets to maintain the cigars. I don't use any wooden humidors for storing cigars anymore, I just use large plastic bins and a wine fridge. Others will recommend a plastic cooler. They're easier to maintain and hold more cigars, something you'll learn to appreciate.
Also, feel free to stop on by the Newbie Welcome thread and say hi if you feel like it.
Hahahaha so, I should have given a bit more info. I have an old humidor that I have seasoned and run with a dual Boveda pack holder(72rh). It was a bit small and I started ordering cigars while I’m laid up after a surgery! Hahahaha. So, I just HAD to order another humidor. It came with the aforementioned crystals and I’ve never used them before. That humidor is currently being seasoned courtesy of Boveda(half way thru the two weeks), but to save room I’d like to try and use the system that came with it as it has a nice cutout for it and a hygrometer. I immediately checked to see if the Boveda holders would fit but they don’t. I know I can just place the packs on the cigars but wanted to see if this other system worked ok.
After reading posts I rinsed the solution off of the crystals with DW and will wait to put that in after seasoning. If the crystals are too much work then I’ll have some packs just laid on top.
BTW, right now all gars are in a Boveda bag with a 65 and holding steady and safe.
Thanks for all the info
I'm a lazy type and just throw Boveda's in a bowl of water to recharge, then like a lazy azz I'll just throw them in a cooler, have ruined a couple cigars that way so make sure I throw them on a box now.
I lay them on paper towels until the paper returns to the proper color when dry.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
I lay them on a baking rack to dry.
Pretty bold, putting something like that in writing.
"Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another." - Proverbs 27:17
Humi update. Seasoning with Boveda complete. I removed the packs and placed the humidifier that it came with closed and watched humidity with a calibrated Bluetooth Govee monitor. Without opening it stayed a consistent 72 for two days.. so I added cigars and it has stayed a consistent 69.9 for the last 24+hrs. I going to say the Boveda method is definitely fool proof. And so far don’t mind the beads. I’ll keep Govee units in each to monitor. I also have a battery humidor fan in my new rig and I think that should help. So far so good and I am happy.
Btw. I smoked a red dot robusto that was completely underwhelming. Smoked a Bonchero soon after that was easily just as good. Starting to learn this bullshit about buying buy the band that everyone was accusing me of is totally correct. Some of these gars I thought were premium buys are bland as hell. I’ll learn, I’m just slow hahahaha ha.
Thank you to everyone who posted opinions and advice. Can’t wait to find some sticks to blow my mind.
Humi update. Two weeks Boveda. After that it held at 72 with the the supplied humidifier for 48hrs. Added sticks and has held at 69.9 for last 24+ using calibrated Govee monitors. So far so good.
Thanks for everyone’s help.