Aliens, deep space, lost technology, and ancient civilizations

Been super fascinated lately with these topics lately. I think we a miniscule part of the vast space we occupy. Was reading about the great pyramids and the granite stones used in the kings chamber. The granite stones were 25 to 80 tones each mined from 800 miles away.
One of two things put those stones that high, lost technology or Aliens. The pictures that are being captured from NASA's new telescope are wild. I read they captured a galaxy 13.5 billion light years away. That's literally looking back in time. You can look up how long it takes to travel 13.5 billion light years.
Stuff is fascinating to me. Thoughts?
"I drink a great deal. I sleep a little, and I smoke cigar after cigar. That is why I am in two-hundred-percent form."
-- Winston Churchill
-- Winston Churchill
Flat Eather?
My favorite cigar list here
100% with you still my favorite show is ancient aliens constant repeat for my go to fall asleep show. There are some amazing ancient site around the world that just don't make sense
I like History’s Greatest Mysteries. They just did a show about Stonehenge which makes you think how they possibly got the rocks there
My favorite cigar list here
I don't disbelieve in alien life, but I wonder if, in the 12,000 or so years or recorded human history, if aliens visited within those 12,000 years, and much more recently (within the time of the Great Pyramids in Egypt), why did they stop visiting?
They haven't. That's becoming more evident every day.
-- Winston Churchill
If aliens visited earth today looking for intelligent life they would move on
Calculating out the theorized amount of galaxies, solar systems and stars, then a small percentage of solar systems capable of having planets that are in the "zone" capable of sustaining life and even calculating at .001 percent of those, that might possibly have intelligent life, that number is in the billions. So the possibility that there is advanced life is far greater than was imagined 30 years ago.
There is a shift in mainstream archeology, that ancient technology may have been far more advanced, than we can imagine and that technology, for whatever reason, has been lost.
They are having a hard time understanding or explaining why or how that technology has been lost and why there is no evidence of it.
When you look at the monuments across the world and what it would take with today's machines to move those giant stones, it boggles the mind. I've worked with some of the heaviest machines built and I can't imagine moving an 80 ton stone without giant equipment. Forget trying to stand up a one piece stone obelisk. The machines would have to be massive.
To give you an idea, the Cat 6090 FS excavator weighs 1,000 tons/2,000,000 lbs, takes 1,000 Kw to run it and is capable of lifting 90 tons. But, it's about 35 feet wide and moving it takes some care.
Just a few thoughts on it. 🤣
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
How so?
It's all over the place.
-- Winston Churchill
But they don't seem to be making any contact, nor imbuing us with any of their superior intelligence.
Would you? Lmao. We can't even figure out what a women is anymore.
-- Winston Churchill
When you try and remain objective, but then the Pentagon releases declassified video of the Navy "Tic Tac" phenomena, it is difficult to refute it.
At the same time, the question of why it was declassified remains.
When experts analyze the video and it creates more questions than answers, it leaves you shaking your head.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
There was plenty of buttf***ing going on 3000 years ago!
I’ve always wondered about the pyramids myself. Especially the ones in Egypt. The Sahara has been expanding for centuries. Maybe the rocks were actually there at one time. I know the archeological evidence says they came from far away; however that’s based on finding that type of rock in those areas. How do we know the rock wasn’t there to start with and the evidence wasn’t washed away by the sands of time?
I believe the quarry shows the evidence that stones were cut from there. That and the science that links the granite.
-- Winston Churchill
Butt they knew what a women is, they just chose the other side.
-- Winston Churchill
I look at it differently. I dont ask why it was declassified, I ask why was it classified in the first place.
-- Winston Churchill
I just meant that the govt tends to like to keep these sort of things from the public.
I know there were several freedom of information requests specifically for the Tic tac video, as it was leaked to researchers.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
Everywhere is the center of the universe. I spend a lot of time there, as if time-space was a real thing
Perhaps all these relics and artifacts are the result of previous earth-bound civilization that has been erased, or forgotten? Maybe there are ways to navigate space as if it wasn't there and didn't take millions of light years to travel and visitors are coming and going regularly? Perhaps much of the last 500 years of advances in technology and engineering have been subtly introduced, and the average schmo like us isn't supposed to know?
Whatever really happened, it's pretty obvious that we're mostly in the dark about everything, and that's not just happenstance. Notice how often history gets erased? Notice how few people remember the lessons of just a generation or two ago? Our lives are so short that most people never grow up to a point where they consider anything of real, lasting value. About the time we start developing any sense, we're old and we die.
Who's monitoring all this? Who's making sure that we never get very far? And why?
Why? Well, I think we've got a handle on "why".
Nick answered that a few posts up. One thing's for sure...
We're a danger to ourselves and others.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
Our universe may exist in a Petri dish.
Well, "turn it around" isn't going to get us out of this one, is it?
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
Newsweek is talking about it
Supposedly Nasa had a press conference recently talking about unknown aircraft orbiting earth. I'm waiting on my son to send me a link.
-- Winston Churchill
Ancient Apocalypse on Netflix is a good series.
-- Winston Churchill
I believe I am 100% of the vast space I occupy.
"Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another." - Proverbs 27:17
Calvin and Hobbes: "The best argument for intelligent life existing elsewhere in the universe is they've made no attempt to contact us."
And then there's this too...
Haven't seen the new MH370 YouTube video's mentioned.
Don't let the wife know what you spend on guns, ammo or cigars.