Anybody like coffee cigars?

Looking for a home for some coffee flavored cigars. If you guys know anyone who would like them, or have friends who would enjoy them, let me know! I believe I have 6 or 7 of them, and I’d rather them go to a good home instead of sitting here going to waste.
If interested, just shoot me a pm with your addy and I’ll get them on the way.
I believe Patrick likes them.
It's a trap!
Ha! I wish, that would mean I didn’t spend money on them in the first place. Lol
Somebody has to want these. I know we all have uninitiated friends who would enjoy them. I just don’t have many friends as I live in the middle of BFE. Haha
I'd be happy to do a trade with you.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
I’m more than happy just to send them your way brother. You don’t have to trade me anything. Just shoot me your addy and I’ll get them out.
Getting them sent out. Thanks guys!
That is my disagree Larry (pops), the only place for those is the garbage can.
MOW badge received.
Its been a while son😂
Received the cigars today. Thanks, Seth. Also glad there's a return address.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
Awesome! Glad they made it! But seriously man, you don’t owe me anything!
This is one of the nicest posts I’ve seen! Guy giving cigars away and wanting nothing in don’t see this every day!
What? Seth's wife joined to forum?
Pretty bold to assume my wife would be nice to me😂