High humidity just from ambient conditions
Before I start, yes I’ve tried looking at the hundreds of posts about humidors. I couldn’t find my issue. So here’s another post about humidity and humidors from a beginner. I have a 50ct humidor with an analog hydrometer calibrated using the wet paper towel and also the salt method last year. Probably about 30 cigars in there at the moment. Hydrometer is showing 80% and the Humicare power stick is completely dry.
The room it’s in has an air conditioner in it soooooo I would think it would be removing moisture from the air, thus making it normal or a slightly less humid environment than normal. Time for recalibration? Normal fluctuation? 80% way too high for the mixed collection of cigars?
I live in the north east so temps and weather are pretty typical, nothing crazy. It’s been staying at 80% for the last week or so.
Ditch the Humicare power stick and ignore the analog hygrometer and buy 65% Boveda packs.
Do the cigars feel squishy?
Still feel stiff. During the winter and spring months the humidity stays around 70%
Using _and _trusting an analog hygrometer after a warning disqualifies one from being a member of this group if not corrected within 30 days of said warning.
What’s a hygrometer
It's used in brewing to check the alcohol.
Analog hygrometer are garbage. Boveda is your friend. Use a bigger one than you think you need. Try 65% bovedas, they're 2-way. Lots of air space in your humidor just requires fore humidity to keep proper rh. In this case, your humidor sounds like it was over-seasoned. Let it air out for a day or two.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
Thanks Frank
I haven’t seasoned it in several months and it was staying around 70% prior to this weeks spike. Out of curiosity, why 65% packs? I thought it was a general consensus that about 70 was the sweet spot?
For some reason I never thought to pick one up on Amazon, might have to add that to my cart
65rh is a good area to be in because the old myth about 70/70 is bullshit. That came about because that’s an average of what conditions are like in the areas where most cigars come from; however, at 70/70 you are approaching the domain that you are inviting mold and beetles. Granted, beetles are for the most part a thing of the past, but they are still somewhat of a threat. Mold is a real threat and can cause you all kinds of headaches. Keeping a slightly lower rh reduces the risks of each and most of all…your sticks will smoke better.
Interesting. My next purchase shall include some 65% packs and a digital hyGrometer
So I purchased a 2-pack of mini hygrometers from Amazon. Stuck them both inside and they read 70% and 69%, analog was saying 82%. I took out my Humicare stick so the RH can drop a little overnight to the 65% area that was recommended. It’s almost like you fellas know what you’re talking about!
nah, collectively we've made more mistakes