Forum Account Issues - From Lindsay

Hi Everyone -
In the process of working out some issues with Forum functionality, I was walking some IT folks through how to set up an account, and guess what? The Forum changed my username from 'TheCigarChick' to the fake account I was making, 'ilovecigars'. (Glad I didn't choose a funnier/inappropriate username! LOL) I can't seem to get out of it, but a working to get my 'TheCigarChick' back ASAP. If you need me in the interim, please tag @ilovecigars or send a PM to that username so I see it.
Thank you,
Schmoopy would've been funny.
Maybe Pablo went back into WITSEC
Dude has zero OpSec. It's a wonder he survived this long....
What if he used to be a super detailed and organized planner with great impulse control, and this is his cover?
What if FJB really got 81 million votes? LMAO.....
-- Winston Churchill
I'm back, baby! Nothing like a frantic call to tech support.
Glad to hear your identity crisis has been resolved.
Hi Schmooopy...
@peter4jc - I'll answer to "Schmoopy". I've certainly been called worse!
@peter4jc - Are you haunting me? I was at a stoplight the other day and look to my right to see this license plate:
Nah, I drive a Subaru. But that is funny that you saw that.