I have a Whynter Cigar cooler, my digital hygrometer is reading 61/89. What could be the issue for the strange reading? The hygrometer was calibrated.
I have a Whynter Cigar cooler, my digital hygrometer is reading 61/89. What could be the issue for the strange reading? The hygrometer was calibrated.
61/89 indicating what? rh/temp?
If it's an analog hygrometer, it's junk. A cheap digital unit can be way off too. Buy a good guality unit like a zederkoff.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
I have 4 whynter winedors. I have zero hygrometers. Use boveda and don't worry about that thing.
-- Winston Churchill
The batteries of my digital bluetooth hygrometers are dead, I just use Boveda packs.
61 temp and 89 rh makes sense. As temp goes down, the amount of humidity that the air can hold goes down, so your RELATIVE humidity goes up. Sounds like your thermoelectric cooler won't cut off. Common fault I'm those units. Unplug the goddàmn thing. You don't need to cool them. Your rh will then go down. You're welcome.
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
Agree with unplug and run boveda. It’s foolproof. Folks worry too much about temperature but unless you live in a frozen tundra or the scorching desert, they’ll be fine. My stash gets into the 80’s all summer and I never have issues. I’ve had exactly two beetles, one from a trade and one from a famous Bahamas brand and they were isolated to two specific cigars (keep cellos on) out of 1000’s. Don’t sweat temperature, run boveda and relax.
I should also add that your biggest risk with those units is mold from errant drops of water splashing than it is from temps running a little elevated. Been there, done that.
As the OP has made no comment, I always wonder about these questions. Where'd'hego?
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
He unplugged his Wynter then he unplugged the forum.
Thanks for the insight, advice, and condescending remarks.

I had a beetle once in a Lat. Found out that they are one of the few companies that didnt freeze their cigars before shipping. So i assume thats for all My Father, tats, and Lats. That was about 8 years ago so who knows now. But that was the main reason i swithched to the winedors.
-- Winston Churchill
Condescending remarks? Just wait till @Bob_Luken gets here.
Don't let the wife know what you spend on guns, ammo or cigars.
He said thank you. Not an incentive for me.
The gauntlet has been made ready. Send the new guy to the staging area.