Green Bean Contest
Due to the generosity of all you members I have an abundance of sticks. Guess the number of green beans in this basket. I picked them in about fifteen minutes yesterday. Closest over or under wins a package from me.
Due to the generosity of all you members I have an abundance of sticks. Guess the number of green beans in this basket. I picked them in about fifteen minutes yesterday. Closest over or under wins a package from me.
I count everything. Good to know I'm not alone. 113.
231 thanks for the contest
Thanks for the contest! How about 66
One, what are we gonna do with you Rodger.
Close but not yet.
One of the last memories of my grandfather was of him sitting with a brown paper bag full of green beans from the garden, snapping the ends off
42, great contest Rodger.
Don't let the wife know what you spend on guns, ammo or cigars.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
I’m going 177. Thanks for the contest man!
Beans, beans, the magical fruit...
That's gross. I mean that's a gross, 144 beans.
This is grocer
196, or so.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
Close very close. Let's have it open till noon tomorrow. If you want to guess again go ahead. In the winning package I will include a great recipe for Blackened Green Beans.
My favorite cigar list here
175, thanks for the contest, I love the basket
When you’re finished changing, you’re finished. —Ben Franklin
Made by a friend, Bob Black in 1993. We have three of his baskets. Bob is gone but we remember him through his creations.
Ok, time's up and we have two winners. Called it the closest guess over or under. They're were 188 green beans in the basket. @PuertoRicoShawn guessed 195 and is the closest. @Amos_Umwhat came in second with a guess of 196. I expect that means I'll be sending out two packages. Addy up both of you.
Thanks all for playing.
LOL thats nuts. Watching the price is right finally paid off!
When you’re finished changing, you’re finished. —Ben Franklin
Congrats to the winners and thanks again @First_Warrior for the contest
Great contest, thanks.
Don't let the wife know what you spend on guns, ammo or cigars.
Thanks for the contest Rodger.