Avid cigar smoker, usually have one or two a week during the winter months here in Connecticut. Might be losing the opportunity to smoke cigars in my neighbors finished basement. Looking for a portable garage heater to smoke cigars in the winter to take the edge off of the cold. What are some "simple" garage heaters to take the cold bite off during the winter months that won't break the bank? Not looking for a permanent heating system. What do you guys have in mind? Thanks ahead for the feedback.
Anything electric, don’t kill your self.
MOW badge received.
Welcome, mtbingninja.
This one is cheap , warms you rather than the air so you can leave the door open for ventilation:
You might think about reducing the area needed to heat by walling off a corner of your garage or setting up some plastic sheeting ala @Bob_Luken.
I use a Big Buddy propane heater. They’re indoor rated, and put out a massive amount of heat. I have a small 12x14 shop, and it’ll run me out of it in about 10 minutes if I don’t turn it on low.
I’d tell you to ask our resident HVAC guy @Jrflickster …but he won’t do his own garage😒
I’ve used a smaller electric heater but what I like to use is one of those round kerosene heaters in my garage. I have the garage door open about a foot to provide ventilation and it keeps it very warm. Without ventilation, electric is the way to go.
What is your intended fuel source for heating the space?
I have an unheated, fully enclosed porch, about 300 square feet, with a deck attached. I use propane for my water heater and stove, with (2) 100 gallon tanks, and have a quick disconnect with a shutoff valve on the deck, for a grill. I punched a hole thru the wall of the porch, and use a 18,000 BTU ventless propane heater (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B016I0DBBA?th=1&language=en_US) during the winter. It takes about 30-40 minutes to make the space comfortable.
One thing I found out though is, the propane heater adds a lot of humidity to the air. I needed to crack a window or two open 3 or 4 inches to let in fresh air, or the excess humidity would affect the burn of the cigar, causing them to go out frequently. Once I realized this, and opened the windows, the burn issues mostly resolved.
@MTBingNinja Where in Connecticut? Head to the newbie welcome thread and introduce yourself. Welcome!
Wait a minute, who the hell is this guy that thinks he can just slip into a heated discussion without updating us on the last several years. Maybe I've missed the update, wouldn't be the first time. Welcome back Mike Todd
Those Big Buddy's really work. A few years back my friend was heating his whole house with one when power was out due to an ice storm.
Don't let the wife know what you spend on guns, ammo or cigars.
My brother got one of those barrel stove kits, and that is great for heating his garage. It's decently portable also. For large gatherings we've hauled it outside into the snow and it make a good bubble of heat around it.
At any given time the urge to sing "In The Jungle" is just a whim away... A whim away... A whim away...
Well said but I will add,… Not entirely air tight. Leave room for air flow, or install an exhaust fan. And crack the garage door about a foot.
Zip wall is the brand name I use.