What pipe tobacco to buy?

in Pipes
I'm at my usual honey hole and they have a huge selection of dusty pipe tobacco tins.
Some of the names are:
Rattrays (8 different types)
Wessex brigade
Peterson of Dublin
John Aylesbury jahrestabak 2014 & 40 edition
Mac Baren HH
Bells 3 nuns
Dan tobacco
Rainer Barbi by DRM Germany
Mac Baren capstain, dark twist, etc
Dozens of Samuel Gawith tins
Cornell & Diehl
Tom Eltang
GL Pease Odyssey
Captain Earles
I'm not much of a pipe guy but I want to learn. Any of these someone's favorite?
"Not all heroes eat crepes"
Mischief managed, for now.
Get some GLP Odyssey, I smoke that all the time.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
I vote for 3 nuns, Petersons, and ALL of the Sam Gawith.
Nolite Oblivisci Peniculus Dentes
Thanks for the suggestions. I used one of my lifelines to call a friend before making my final decision. Here's what I got. I just packed a bowl of Doblone d' Oro for the poker game tonight.
"Not all heroes eat crepes"