A3 Rabbit Air Purifier

I'm in the market for a smoke eater and wanting to know what the best small unit is. It will be used on a mobile cigar bus. I been looking at the A3 Rabbit Air Purifier, what do you guys think? Or what do you recommend?
I'm in the market for a smoke eater and wanting to know what the best small unit is. It will be used on a mobile cigar bus. I been looking at the A3 Rabbit Air Purifier, what do you guys think? Or what do you recommend?
I recommend using flow-forced air exhaustion without the purifier. Most people who look for one want a "pre smoking smell" in the room because of the wife, and this doesn't do that without exhaust anyways.
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
I'm not sure I understand what you are saying. I am looking for a good unit for a Mobile Cigar Lounge that can hold up to 15 people.
15 people smoking cigars in a small enclosed space needs a good airflow/ventilation. Air purifier isn't up to that amount of smoke without good air exchange.
I can't believe that you can't follow my schizophrenia. Lol. Just kidding bro. What I'm saying is that a lot of time, people buy these air purifiers that advertise how well it gets rid of smoke. However, when they get these air purifiers, they soon realize, but the only thing they're good for is taking the smoke from a lit match out of the room.
Edward is correct above. No smoke eater in the entire world will take away the smoke from a single cigar. You think they work good in the lounge? Probably because you're going into the lounge anticipating it to being smokey. It is very smoky. The thing you need to do is force air from outside the room to inside the room and then force air back outside the room. If you have that sort of airflow, all of the smoke will leave the room before it settles into your furniture onto your tables and into your carpet.
People do this in several different ways. You could have an exhaust fan that leads to the outside. Of course that often involves cutting a hole in your house, which is not advisable. If you don't know what you're doing. You could put a fan in a window pointing out, and that would work. In the winter time. It gets a little cold and in the summertime it gets a little warm.
If you can somehow manipulate the air to come into a room, from say the hallway, with a fan at the door, and then force air out of the room with a fan at the window, now you're in business.
Then what you do is make sure you get rid of all of your ashtrays and cigar butts after you're done smoking. Those things all stink. Then what you have is a nearly perfect room that doesn't smell like smoke and that the old lady will put up with. If you have carpet or rugs, get rid of them. If you have fabric furniture, get rid of it. Use leather and tile and wood and pergola and travertine and laminate. Dust surface areas and dry mop floors daily.
Don't take my word for it though, I don't do any of the stuff. I live in Las Vegas and the outside smoking season is exactly 365 days long.
But the rabbit air? Your room will smell like an ashtray for 2 years after you first cigar. And so will your rabbit air.
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
So no rabbit air?
Now I understand what you are saying. The problem is I need some for my mobile cigar lounge not the house. I’m trying to figure out how I can have a hookup like you’re talking about on my bus.
Roll down the windows. True story:
I used to have a herf truck and one day it gave out. My wife told me to buy a car and I told her if I did, I would still smoke in it. She said fine. I bought my herfmobile and one day about a month later, she said "I thought you said you were going to smoke in this thing."
I had been smoking in it every day!
Understand though that you're not driving the bus, presumably, while you're smoking, but that might make the fan setups easier....
Careful with some of those units...the ones that create ozone are obviously dangerous.
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
Have one of these installed in the roof.
RVLOVENT 12V RV Roof Fan Vent 14'' 3 Speed Reversible Manual Lift (Smoke with LT)
I have a big exit window at the top of the bus and it might be able to be put there. That spot would be the only spot on the roof because it has a custom ceiling on the inside and I don’t want to cut it up.
The only window that comes down is the driver. I will have to figure something out
The bathroom fan might be enough if the driver's window is cracked open.
Just knock the windows out and put in screens.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
No bathroom. I’m going to see if I can get camping world to put one in the exit door at the top and try and figure out where I can put a 2nd fan
You certainly can use what we call in the building industry a 'fart fan' ..which is what @silvermouse is suggesting (a simple exhaust fan). Centrally located, you would need to mount at the ceiling and cut a hole (need to waterproof of course) to exhaust the smoke. Things to consider: size, cfm's, decibel output, exhaust pipe and cap, power source and switch. This should work well and be less costly than rabbittaire. Think of it in terms of a similarly mounted fan in a trailer or motorhome.
A good cigar and whiskey solve most problems.
I'm building my next house and designing a small smoking room in it. I will be utilizing a fart fan or range hood fan to exhaust. Also, i will be using an air exchanger and smoke sealed door.
A good cigar and whiskey solve most problems.
I have a exit door centrally located on the bus so I am going to see if I can get camping world or another company to mount me something. Thanks!