Vogue and GQ from here...?? FREE?

So I'm not sure but I think I saw an advert here to get Vogue and GQ. Well guess i clicked on it because I'm getting them. Am I correct in thinking this is from here?
Are they free subscriptions? I don't recall paying for them ... and I certainly don't really want them.
Any insight would be appreciated.
When you place an order on Cigar.com (and other sites), there are promotional magazine offers with the checkbox selected by default. You have to uncheck the box, otherwise you are getting the magazine. I have made the mistake of forgetting to uncheck the box, and then GQ shows up in my mailbox and I'm like WTF is this garbage?
You may want to call cigar.com customer service. No one here would have any idea
Speak for yourself I have plenty of idea
Gotta love fashion mags, lol.
Looks good on a woman, not on a man.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
That kind of opt out merchandising/click-revenue- generating should be illegal.
Please forward your Vogue issues to me; I need all the help I can get staying on top of things.
Trying too hard to convince people that you are not gay will inevitably lead people to think you are gay.