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Pipe Stands

jsnakejsnake Posts: 5,979 ✭✭✭✭✭

Available pipe stands. They will be cleaned up and polished.

Ro-El Italian pipe stand $75 plus $10 shipping

Decatur $40 plus $16 shipping

Decatur $40 plus $16 shipping

Decatur $40 plus $16 shipping

This is possibly a Savinelli pipe rest but I’m unsure. Did reverse image searches and the only thing close was a Savinelli but it wasn’t the exact design. This was probably my favorite. $60 plus $16 shipping

Unsure on this one $35 plus $15 shipping

S&T Woodcraft Baltimore, MD airplane pipe rest. Only one I can find is $195. This will be $100 plus $16 shipping.

Lubinski Walnut pipe rest $45 plus $10 shipping

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