@charlieHeis visit weekend December 8th

If anyone would like to join us the weekend of December 8th for food, cigars, and what not come on by. Come one come all!
"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give". Winston Churchill.
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MOW badge received.
MOW badge received.
I'll be there... hope that doesn't dissuade anyone from joining the fun.
I'll be there
I know, You're a big dog and I'm on the list.
Let's eat, GrandMa. / Let's eat GrandMa. -- Punctuation saves lives
It'll be fine once the swelling goes down.
There will be brisket. Colleen asked for pastrami to take to a friends, so smoker will be running all day.
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C'mon, man... we'd rather have you in the garage, smoking with us, and giving tutorials on how to be drunk as a skunk and still functioning.
I’m a professional.
MOW badge received.
I'll be in Hershey that weekend for my daughter's birthday. Have fun
My favorite cigar list here
Well that’s awesome. Happy birthday to her
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I guess I have to be there now. Who wants to work for me Friday?
Friday will brisket point, chicken or pork roast and whatever else I come up with for dinner. Saturday will be fresh made pastrami, hot wings and other quick grilled fair. Colleen wanted to take pastrami to a friend on Sunday, so I’ll run the smoker before folks get here Friday, then mostly relax and sleep in a bit Saturday. The flats are in the brine.
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From @Patrickbrick
Also from Patrick

From @peter4jc. Thank you very much!

Another one from Patrick

Night cap

I had a great time at Patrick's again. We had amazing food, great cigars and great beverages. Also great company, good to see you guys again and thanks to Patrick and Colleen for hosting us.