Construction issues
Anyone else having any issues with Black Works Maduro Killer Bee and The Hornet? Tough to keep lit, and then starts burning a hole in the wrapper about and inch above the cherry? Love their cigars, but this is frustrating! Been about a month now, happened 3-4 times.
I haven't bought those in a while, but hopefully, they came from your local shop and they can help you out.
I have a ton of burn issues with Black Label stuff anymore. Have become very hesitant to even buy them
My favorite cigar list here
I have a half box of killer bee I have been avoiding because they won’t stay lit.
So it’s not just me! Thanks for the input!
Yeah it’s been a topic on vherf several times. They just don’t seem to want to burn lately.
I dry box virtually everything from them anymore. Makes it hard to be a black label ho
I sit on most of their offerings for months before attempting to smoke, and also dry box some.
MOW badge received.
I hide my incoming boxes from myself for as long as I can in the Winedor before breaking into them.
I put mine away for a minimum of 5 years but also I make sure to pull them out on the anniversary of their arrival and give the boxes a fresh coat of paint to ensure the original factory aroma stays intact.
I've not had any construction issues with the petite corona size of the Killer Bee.
Green Hornet with issues!
Burned a hole and won’t stay lit.
I hate when that happens. ^^.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
@Patrickbrick always tells me it's user error...
Probably! lol But it’s only these, and Killer Bee Maduro. Still love most of their smokes. For about a month now.