Newbie saying Hello

Hello All,
I haven’t been on a cigar forum since back in Cigar Utopia days. Is there anyone here from that old Forum?
Anyways I’m in Dunedin FL when I’m not traveling and or fishing. Semi retired. Just sold my brewery. Not sure what’s next if anything besides traveling. At 58 yrs old I’ve been heffing for decades now. Traveling, boating, fishing, and riding my HD (which all include cigars) are my passions.
Welcome to the forum, Jay. I know we have a few folks on here from Florida, not sure how may folks on here go back to the Cigar Utopia days.
Welcome aboard. This group is a mixture of old and somewhat new, smartàss and….well…a good group anyway lol. If you like herfing there’s a nightly one that goes on. You can find the info in the vherf thread.
Welcome aboard,
Don't let the wife know what you spend on guns, ammo or cigars.
Welcome to the forum. Stick around a while.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
Thanks for the warm welcome.
I live in Dunedin FL where the Blue Jays spring training goes on. Going to the game today. I can take my golf cart per our town is golf cart friendly. I'll burn a stick on the way and finish it with a beer in the parking lot. Just sold my brewery but I still have eight taps at my house flowing and a half bbl system to brew on. I'll bring a growler with me to the game/parking lot. A nice double mad will pair nice with my 11% Choc Porter. The pitching coach is a buddy of mine so I don't have to rush in to find our seats. he hooked me up in the players family section. Then tomorrow we're headed to Key West for a long weekend and concert (Old Dominion) where I plan on smoking many sticks and hopefully getting in some fishing. Wife will dictate if I get to wet a line lol
Going to looking around at the post and see what I can find. Thx for all the great info. Also have a few questions I plan on posting.
Testing uploading pics. This was my brewery logo

Welcome to the forum. Enjoy. Look forward to seeing you on a vherf session.
A good cigar and whiskey solve most problems.
Hiya buddy. I used to know the guy who ran the website for the Dunedin dawgs browns backers. Is there actually a huge Cleveland browns fan club there, or was it an isolated group of whackos?
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
Blue Jays suck
But let you in since you brew beer. Welcome
My favorite cigar list here
I have never seen a gathering of Brown fans. But you never know
It was 7 to 7 in the 8th inner. They lost like 17 to 7. So you maybe right lol
I support all the local teams. Couldn’t name a single player in all sports combined lol
I’m there for the party 🍻
On a side note I have a boat and bring kegs (4 tap jockey box) out with me to the islands around Dunedin. If anyone is in the area island party beers/seltzers on me. 🍻
Few have, right @VegasFrank?
They’re usually seen at massage parlors or cell blocks
You have more people on your boat than there are browns fans outside of northern ohio.
In Key West for an Old Dominion concert. After a late breakfast im firing up a nice Mad R #5 for my first stick of the day. I like them dark