Best Electric Humidification for desk top humidor

in Cigar 101
I have a 150 cigar desk top. I have had many problems keeping it at the desired humidification. I am plunging into the world of Electricity. In your opinion, what do you think is the best option for my desk top Humidor?????
I have been looking at the Humi-Care EH (not sure if its to much for the size of the humidor)
Your problem appears to be with a leaky humidor, get a tupperdore, crate, or cooler with Bovedas or find and season a better humidor.
It's crazy to consider an electric humidifier for a humidor that small.
If you have a few minutes please take me through the steps. What humidifier would you use on going? What Hygrometer do you like? Why not just get a Humi-Care Turbo and call it a day ?
Thank you in advance for your help :-)
Why not just get a Humi-Care Turbo and call it a day ?
Why not just accept the answer given; get a Tupperdore, crate, or cooler with Bovedas, or find and season a better humidor?
I see you tagged “glass”. Does that mean you’re using a glass humidor???
If you already know the answer you are looking to hear, why ask the question?
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I'm a simple guy, I get something that won't leak and use Bovedas. I have but don't use hygrometers because there's no real need as long as you occasionally check your Boveda packs.
I suppose if you're really sold on that glass lid humidor that the humidifer might work, you'll have to keep an eye on the water tank and deal with a ribbon cable for power snaked out of your humidor. I'm thinking that they sell replacement ribbon cables for a reason, they'll wear out eventually.
A nice wooden humidor looks better than a 300 cigar Tupperware, so there's that....
@JMackShrewsburyMA .... fellow MassHole. I'm on the North Shore
I'm on the south shore. Bovedas and an airtight container. For a hygrometer, zederkoff is pretty good, and affordable.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
Cape Cod here, don't need a humidifier most of the year.
North shore, South shore, the cape....lots of peeps from taxachusettes on this forum. I'm from NNFMA myself.
EFF these guys. Stick with your wood box if that's what you like.
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
I have something similar to that unit you're looking at. It works pretty good on a sorta leaky wood box.
You can also make one for a quarter of the price with a computer fan, a plastic box, and a humidistat.
(and some beads)
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
Thanks for the reminder to water the beads in my leaky wood humidor.
Not sure if this would fit the desktop bill but I found this on fb the other day... Looks fairly small. Don't ask me what its called though! Maybe someone here will recognize it

@robertwallace684 its affectionately called a ‘winador’. Looks to be the small version from Whynter?? They work exceptionally well with some Bovedas. No power needed.
A good cigar and whiskey solve most problems.