
Ok bear with me here. I’ve amassed a small array of tobacco. Approximately, 150 jars of tobacco I’ve purchased and from generous gifting from y’all on this forum. Again thank you! @Hawks @Amos_Umwhat @Stubble @Rdp77
All my opened tobacco has been jarred as well as my tobacco that was vacuum sealed in Mylar bags. Packed like a pipe with a small amount of space at the top and sealed tightly. My unopened tobacco remains in the original tins.
Everything is stored in climate controlled office with no direct sunlight. Everything is labeled and dated accordingly. Stored in dark office except when using my office.
First off what do you guys on this forum do for your cellaring process? Anyone go further by adding your jars to a tuppedore or is that overkill? Do you keep your aged tobacco in complete darkness? How often do you check lid tightness? Etc etc. Appreciate your input.
A good cigar and whiskey solve most problems.
The only other thing that I do is vacuum seal tins that have twist or pry off lids. They can lose vacuum so I just bag tin and all and seal it.
Apparently I haven’t sent you tobacco. On the To Do list
My favorite cigar list here
I have a cheap vacuum sealer for the jars I use. I dig it. Food saver on the list next. Plan on doing what @Rdp77 does. Other than that, they sit until I get a notion to smoke 'em.
Nolite Oblivisci Peniculus Dentes
Some people have noticed their tins rusting when they're vacuum sealed in Mylar, any moisture from the tobacco that gets out will be trapped in the bag.