To the Nub…

in Cigar 101
My non facetious question is why is there a stigma to smoking a cigar down to the nub? At B&M I often get asked why I smoke a cigar this far instead of ‘just getting another one’. I’ve noticed most people smoke to within an 1-1/2” and toss it. Is this a thing unbeknownst to me? My answer is if I’m buying and smoking a cigar I’m going to smoke the whole damn thing.
A good cigar and whiskey solve most problems.
I smoke them until they don’t taste like they should anymore. It’s different for each cigar.
Some people think it’s an etiquette thing and it’s even been said on this forum that it’s a sign of desperation.
I say bullshít. It’s your damn cigar and you should enjoy it however you want.
The final third is the best third. YMMV if you suck.
My cigar, my choice.
There are cigars that I stop with a couple inches left, either they don't taste right or I'm just done. There are some that I smoke until there's just a thin wisp of tobacco left clinging to the nubber, because that's how I felt about it at the time. Every last millimeter belongs to me, and I'll do as I please with it.
Some people get rigid about the "rules" of cigar smoking. Long ago I would never use a jet flame torch, soft flame only. As my eyesight changed, I found I was scorching the wrapper with the soft flame because my eyes couldn't focus on something so close.
I love the Fuente Hemingways, and other figurados as well. I usually prefer to clip the head, and then light the foot in its natural state, as it was rolled. Sometimes I'll clip both ends, often because I've found that this particular batch isn't lighting right, or sometimes because I know I'm in the wrong environment to nurse it through the early stages of the light. There are those who might say "You're doing it wrong", either way. Really? Who's fúcking this cow anyway? Sorry, little redneck humor there.
So, I agree with Rusty, it's your damn cigar and you're smoking it to make yourself happy.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
Is it the shop owner or employees? They're just selling.
At any rate you should prepare a comeback for that question that politely lets them know you have no f**ks to give.
I always leave 3 ounces of my filet mignon on the plate too.
When I get a double of Bourbon I usually only take a little tiny sip, pour it on the floor, then proceed to order a second to show how much money I have to burn.
I smoke my cigar until it's no longer enjoyable. That's that. Say to them "ohh you're the guy who only reads reviews on the first and second 3rd.....makes sense to me now why you always recommend dog turds"
If I'm really enjoying a cigar, right to the nub. If it's meh, about an inch left.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
Don't let those **** push you around Jeffy boy. Those leather and mahogany guys will likely never know as much about cigars as cigars as you have forgotten anyways.
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
Proofreading the forgotten art....
Don't let the wife know what you spend on guns, ammo or cigars.
I used to always smoke them to the nub, but now I'm more in the boat of "smoke it while it's good". If I am not enjoying it, whether that be the cigar, or I am just cold and want to go inside. I drop it in the ashtray.
Who's fŭcking this cow anyways. Hehe
I only nub them when I'm on vHerf w/ @VegasFrank so I can make it to the 9pm deadline, or I face the ridicule and shame he likes to heap on me.
I’ve been looking for nub in all the wrong places 🎶
I’ll see myself out
Lookin' for nub in too many faces...