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Does It Ever Become An Addiction For You?

HaysHays Posts: 2,337 ✭✭✭
So I figured this is my 500th post, and I thought I'd bring up something I dwell upon once in a while.

Personally, I've never had an addictive personality, and I take pride in the fact that I've always been able to quit something if needed. So I wonder at times whether my newly-discovered passion for cigars has led me to an addiction to nicotine. I won't deny that I get an effect from the nicotine, though I smoke medium-full sticks at best, but it's not something I look for. I think that, on the whole, I do a fine job of regulating and restraining my cigar intake to a level that I'm comfortable with and do not consider an addiction, but I still check myself every now and again. On that note, I wanted to ask:

Does smoking cigars ever feel like it's become an addiction for you? If so, how do you feel about that? I don't mean the passionate collecting and enjoyment, but an actual chemical or psychological addiction.

¨The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears, or the sea¨ - Isak Dinesen

¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨


  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Posts: 4,131 ✭✭
    To me, it's no more of an addiction than playing golf, or reading a good book, or even having one of my favorite dishes for dinner. It's just something I do when I have time to relax and help me get away from the stresses of life. Because of my work schedule and the weather lately I have had to limit my cigar smoking a lot, and yes I miss it, but I don't get the shakes, or crave it. I know my humidor is full and sitting there waiting on me and that helps me relax a little bit in itself.
  • clearlysuspectclearlysuspect Posts: 2,124 ✭✭✭✭
    Since this obviously means something to you, I'll try to speak openly and sincerely.

    Frankly Hays, I've been addicted to much worse. If I ever became addicted to nicotine, and I don't think that I am, I'd consider myself fortunate to have climbed to such heights, to have left my past behind me. Most addictions I've had in the past, I thought I enjoyed, but in the end I knew I really didn't because it wasn't something I could walk away from, turn my back to, trust myself with. I was afraid to leave it behind, and something you fear can never truly be enjoyed.

    If you ever find yourself feeling that way about anything, walk away from it and don't look back.
  • JZJZ Posts: 827
    I don't believe I'm addicted to the nicotine, however I do really crave the relaxation element.
  • YankeeManYankeeMan Posts: 2,654 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Since the weather turned cold in the Northeast a few weeks ago, I have not had a cigar, as I only smoke outside. I miss the relaxation time and time spent with my son who also smokes.

    I enjoy the collecting and aging of cigars and the fellowship on this site. But when life interferes, I don't feel bad or uneasy, I just miss it. So to answer your question, I don't think it's addictive to me, it's more of a hobby.
  • KriegKrieg Posts: 5,188 ✭✭✭
    I also don't think I am addicted, because I can go for long periods of time if need be, without having a smoke. Smokers of Cigarettes on the other hand, usually couldn't go longer than a few hours. A cigar is very satisfying, and especially after a good meal.

    "Long ashes my friends."

  • docedwardsdocedwards Posts: 319
    I try to limit my smokes to 2-3 per week. It seems to heighten my enjoyment of the smoking experience. I use it as "reward" and relaxation. I especially enjoy the smoke much more when shared with a friend(s). The times I have smoked more, I found myself getting into a daily routine rut, but not a physical addiction. Basically the less I smoke, the more I enjoy it when I do.
  • jsnakejsnake Posts: 5,979 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I am not addicted to cigars. I do not feel that the enjoyment I gain from smoking them comes from a chemical source or single source at that. I can have one cigar this week and go a month or two without one and it doesn't bother me. Someone who is addicted couldn't do that. Sometimes I smoke one every day of the week but it is not a necessity to get me through the day or the week. It is something I enjoy and I happen to do it in moderation. Even the guys who smoke daily, that alone does not make them an addict. Some guys here love a good drink with their cigar. They smoke and drink daily. I do not think that makes them an alcoholic. You can enjoy something and not be an addict.
  • lilwing88lilwing88 Posts: 2,812 ✭✭✭
    If you enjoy it, then it's probably best not to dwell on the negative effects of it. Be sure that cigar smoking is bad for your overall health and nicotine is highly addictive. Those are just the facts. However, the key , like in other "bad' habits (drinking, eating, etc.) is MODERATION. If you enjoy a neat glass of scotch and a cigar every now and again, then the long term effects on your physical and mental health will be minimal. However, if your smoking eight stogies a day and drinking a liter of hooch for breakfast, then seek help. I find the hobby of keeping a humidor and caring for the cigars more addictive than the actual smoking of them.
    Guns don't kill people, Daddies with pretty daughters do…..
  • fla-gypsyfla-gypsy Posts: 3,023 ✭✭
    I am knocking off 2--4 a day. I am hooked and I like it! LOL
  • stephen_hannibalstephen_hannibal Posts: 4,317
    I've ramped up my tobacco intake recently (but it's just to make room in the humidor and filter out the garbage).
    Think of it like this if you have a glass of wine every night doesn't make you an alcoholic.
    It's like any thing I love to do... If I do it I do it well!
  • The CankThe Cank Posts: 799
    I agree with lilwing88. I find that I am more addicted to collecting and filling my humidor than the actual smoke. I try to keep my smoking down to 2- 3 per week but like others have said since its gotten cold I never know when I'm going to get one in. I finally, finally got to smoke one of my Gurkha on Saturday night and that was the first cigar I had had in 3 weeks. Now I do admit I was getting frustrated that I couldn't get a smoke in in 3 weeks but it was not because I am addicted its because I wanted to try one of my sticks that I had never had before.
  • MAJORdorMoMAJORdorMo Posts: 356
    I definitely don't think I'm addicted. Sometimes I smoke a cigar a day for 2 weeks straight, and other times (like now) I hardly smoke once a week.

    My dad, however, says he was addicted to cigars after a camping trip he went on where he smoked a cigar a day for a week. He said it took him a few months to kick the addiction.
  • One2gofstOne2gofst Posts: 583
    As someone who used to have what I would consider a slight addiction to nicotine, I'd say I am not addicted to it any more and definately not addicted to cigars. I'd prefer to smoke often, however, with the weather being cold I am smoking maybe one or two a week sometimes none. I don't crave that cigar when I can't have it, I just miss enojying it.
  • bibbybibby Posts: 152
    Great Topic Hays! Look at the conversation and at least for me the thoughts that it provoked...

    That being said; I agree with what has been an almost unanimous response thus far, I feel like this is a hobby rather than a chemically caused need/addiction. I am in the boat of I have a passion to learn about the manufacture, flavors and profiles, as well as building a collection of different styles of cigars. I also enjoy the relaxation and stress relief I get from winding down with a nice cigar, occasionally a libation, or a literary libation to end my day. I may enjoy it while with family, friends, recreating, or watching a sporting event. I definitely enjoy it and have started to become passonate about it, but I don't ever need the kick, fix, or whatever else I would associate with a chemically induced need/addiction.

    I hope that helps with your query, have a great day!
  • ScottUScottU Posts: 194
    Perhaps we are all addicted and just have not reached the first step....admitting it...............

    .....or maybe not...
  • HaysHays Posts: 2,337 ✭✭✭
    Well this is exactly the kind of response I wanted to see!

    To be clear - I don't consider myself addicted, and agree with the general consensus that it's just a beautiful thing to enjoy. I just thought it'd be an interesting topic of conversation, and it certainly has spawned the kind of conversation I expected and hoped for.
    ¨The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears, or the sea¨ - Isak Dinesen

    ¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨
  • GarheadGarhead Posts: 41
    I don't believe I'm addicted to the nicotine, however I do really crave the relaxation element.
    ///////////// Great way to put it! I won't go crazy if I don't have one, but it is nice to sit outside when it's nice out with a good drink, a good cigar, and a good book.
  • Russ55Russ55 Posts: 2,765 ✭✭
    I'm probably mildly addicted to the nicotine, but it isn't anything I can't just push through and deal with if I can't smoke. Nowhere near as strong as a cigarette craving I would get when I smoked years ago. I enjoy the act of relaxation most now.
  • kaspera79kaspera79 Posts: 7,257 ✭✭✭
    Addicted ?... no way. I enjoy collecting many great cigars, and look forward to the day I will smoke them. I enjoy having a common interest here with many fine members, sharing opinions and experiences, comparing our likes and dislikes, trading, and the discussions that arise from our time here, and even if I never smoked another cigar, I would continue to hang around since I feel I know many members in a small way. Cigars created an avenue to meet many interesting people whom I would otherwise not have known. Some weeks I will smoke everyday, other times I will go several weeks without. When the time avails itself, and the mood strikes, I indulge.

    I read that addiction is defined as a compulsive need, or the state of being enslaved to an extent that cessation will cause trauma. I'm not even close to being there.
  • j0z3rj0z3r Posts: 9,403 ✭✭
    I agree with an above poster, I'm addicted to relaxation. If I didn't have cigars, I'd have to find some other way to unwind.

    As far as addiction to nicotine, I haven't noticed anything. If I don't feel like smoking a cigar, I don't. If I'm sick, I don't smoke and have gone without for 4-5 days when in that condition without feeling a compulsion, just a longing. I also smoke 2-3 a day, so I'm not a particularly light smoker.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    i have never thought to myself:
    "if i dont get to smoke a cigar in the next 5 minutes im gunna **** kill someone.
    i doubt i ever will.
  • TatuajeVITatuajeVI Posts: 2,378
    nah. it's winter now and I don't smoke much. even with a space heater in my shed, I've been wimping out way more than I thought I would. I hate the cold. I love cigars, but I went from 1 a day to 1 every other week without a problem.
  • ScottTDawgScottTDawg Posts: 206 ✭✭
    As long as you have the awareness to check yourself, I wouldn't consider it addiction. If you physically HAVE to have one, like cigarettes, it's an addiction.

    I consider myself somewhat addictive, whether it's alcohol, boating, fishing, cigars. When I start a new hobby, I almost obsess with getting information. I've always been cautious with things since alcoholism runs in my family and I feel that if you can get addicted to alcohol, you can get addicted to anything else. I enjoy drinks in moderation, very occassionally in excess. Personally speaking, if I'm checking myself, I'm less likely to become addicted. I enjoy the relaxation factor and flavor experience of smoking cigars in my limited time I've been here. I won't be outside in the cold shivering just so I can have my 'cigar fix'. I look forward to enjoying my sticks in the warmer days to come.
  • I know what you are talking about Hays, and sometimes it feels like I really want to smoke a cigar not only because I think it's going to taste really good, or because I want to relax. Having said this, I haven't had a cigar in almost a month because it's been so damn cold here and I probably won't have another one for a long time. I would smoke a cigar everyday if I could, but for now, I'm completely content with letting my sticks hibernate while I wait out the winter months. Point being: No, I don't think I'm addicted to cigars, but every once in a while when I REALLY want a cigar, I wonder if it might be slightly rooted in a nicotine addiction.
  • bbc020bbc020 Posts: 1,422
    I won't say I know everything there is to know about addiction, but I have some experience. What my experience bears out is that addiction has a lot to do with obsession, compulsion and lack of conscience. It's easy to look at the ability to stop as a sign that one may not be an addict, but that is only one side of the coin so to say (compulsory). It is important (for me) to look at the reason I do a certain actions (smoke cigars per say). I need to look at whether I am unconsciously acting to escape reality, or whether I am acknowledging the reality of life and CHOOSING to act. When in the grips of addiction...I do not have a choice.

    As far as physical dependency...nicotine is only in the system for 72 hours. So after 72 hours, withdrawal is over and any perceived 'need' is in the head.

    I don't know if this helps, but it is my view of a possible issue around the topic.
  • camgfscamgfs Posts: 968

    Great topic!

    I camp and fish in the spring, summer and fall, and I also hunt. Given certain health issues, these activities are 'risky' for me. Since I haven't given them up, I've been acused of being "addicted" to my favourite fishing spot, my favourite camping spot and to the great outdoors in general!

    I can live with that. The fact that I smoke cigars never even came up in the "addiction" list, lol.

    The conclusion of that conversation was that if I were to kick the can while out camping/fishing/cigar smoking/hunting........at least I'd die happy! I can't think of any better addiction than that!!!!

  • ironhorseironhorse Posts: 469
    I think my urge to smoke is tied to the fact that I can only smoke when I have absolutely nothing to do. (damn you winter and anti-smoking laws!!) Thus, it's more my urge to be free of all my daily responsibilities than it is to enjoy a smoke. I feel the same way about taking naps. I love my naps and I love my cigars!
  • RedtailhawkozRedtailhawkoz Posts: 2,915
    Lets see...... I Know Addiction my new friend....... I see no paralells in Enjoying a Fine smoke as oppossed to the Obbsession and Compulsion In the Disease of Addiction. If, on the other hand your Cigar habits,IE, Needing a smoke, Going into debt to get a Smoke, Sneeking around to have a smoke,comitting crimes to get a smoke, Having allot of relationship problems or marital problems because of your cigar smoking Total life unmanagability because of your Love of Cigars ...... Then you have an Addiction to Cigars. I smoke within my limits, finacially and timely. I DO NOT HAVE TO HAVE SMOKE ! I rather enjoy one occasionaly aftr a good meal or in the company of Fellow Enthusiasts. My collection is small and Im building but My whole thing with Cigars is pure Enjoyment and relaxation and Learning more and more about Fine Smokes. Have a Great Smoke, ENjoy it dont let it enjoy you! Peace Ozzie Clean and Serene for over a Decade
  • R_M_GR_M_G Posts: 41 ✭✭
    I don't think I've ever heard of anyone being physically addicted to cigars... at least not in the sense that people become addicted to cigarettes... Cigarettes are intentionally manufactured to create a dependance on them, with so much added to the tobacco... I've always seen cigars as a way to relax, not a way to frantically get a fix... I can't really imagine anyone sucking down a cigar like they suck down a cigarette out back by the dumpster... For me the closest thing to an addiction is the relaxation that goes along with the cigar, the way a cigar forces you to sit down and chill out and stop being so busy. Cigars, for me, are about the total experience; from studying the various types of tobacco, manufactures, etc, maintaining the humidor, spending good times with my friends, developing my palate, even taking time to cut and light the cigar just right... it's about the attention to detail, the civilization and sophistication that has grown alongside the tobacco industry. I couldn't justify spending $15 or more on a cigar thats just going to be inhaled as fast as possible. I did have an uncle who chain-smoked those flavored cigars with the filter and plastic tip, but he was a douche bag anyway and only did that because he thought he was too good for cigarettes (and couldn't name a single hand rolled cigar if he had to). Anyway, I guess to answer the question, i don't feel any actual chemical addiction to cigars, but a definite psychological addiction to the atmosphere of cigar smoking, but I don't even need to be smoking to enjoy the slow pace and company of friends, so I guess as far as addictions go, I'm not too concerned about that one!
    "...and in the evenings the men would be men. We would sit round the fire and share a drink, a smoke and old war stories that oft dealt more with women than war it's self. There were no fathers or sons, bosses nor hands, we were just men sitting round a fire."
  • Duder2Duder2 Posts: 926
    Physically addicted to cigars? No. However I am totally hooked on the collecting element of the hobby! I've had 5 cigar days and also had no problems going a week or two without although I may miss it a bit. Now if I could only stay away from the DD's...
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