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I Love, or at least have a strong prediliction to:



  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    three day weekends

    ...and the fact that i have about a week till i go on vacation.
  • The SniperThe Sniper Posts: 3,910
    Coaching my daughter's basketball team to their first win of the season! Also happened to be my first basketball coaching win ever - cant even describe the feeling.

  • gmill880gmill880 Posts: 5,947
    You have to get that 1st one to build your record Snipsey ... good luck and congratulations !!! Did you have a celebratory smoke ?
  • stephen_hannibalstephen_hannibal Posts: 4,317
    King of the Hill
    This is one of my favorite shows.

  • In south GA it was warm enough to smoke outside today without my hands going numb.
  • gmill880gmill880 Posts: 5,947
    Saturday evenings now that I don't have to work till 8 or 9:00 PM anymore !!!!!!
  • letsgowithbobletsgowithbob Posts: 677 ✭✭
    The Daily Hottie thread... major props to DiamondDog for keeping that up, and it's definitely picking up in style!

    I also love the fact that the chick I went out with on Christmas Day looks a hellova lot like the most recent addition to that thread (the blonde)...... WIN.

    Hays...are you talking about Ozzies "questionable tranny"??
  • docedwardsdocedwards Posts: 319
    My work schedule. I work 3 12hr shifts and 1 6hr shift each week. When I get off on Sun morn at 6am, I don't have to be back til Wed at midnite.
  • JCizzleJCizzle Posts: 1,914 ✭✭✭
    King of the Hill
    This is one of my favorite shows.

    Propane and propane accessories.
    Light 'em up.
  • j0z3rj0z3r Posts: 9,403 ✭✭
    My work schedule. I work 3 12hr shifts and 1 6hr shift each week. When I get off on Sun morn at 6am, I don't have to be back til Wed at midnite.
    That sounds awesome. I would love that kind of schedule.
  • The SniperThe Sniper Posts: 3,910
    You have to get that 1st one to build your record Snipsey ... good luck and congratulations !!! Did you have a celebratory smoke ?
    Actually, as the final seconds were counting down, I was reminded of the all-time great Boston Celtics coach Red Aurerbach. Once it was obvious his team had the win, he would light up a victory cigar right there courtside.

    Since it is a Parks & Rec league, I didnt figure the community in attendance would either get or appreciate such a tribute - so I fired up an Ashton Aged Maduro the next morning that a friend had given me for Xmas. :-)

  • gmill880gmill880 Posts: 5,947
    The Sniper:
    You have to get that 1st one to build your record Snipsey ... good luck and congratulations !!! Did you have a celebratory smoke ?
    Actually, as the final seconds were counting down, I was reminded of the all-time great Boston Celtics coach Red Aurerbach. Once it was obvious his team had the win, he would light up a victory cigar right there courtside.

    Since it is a Parks & Rec league, I didnt figure the community in attendance would either get or appreciate such a tribute - so I fired up an Ashton Aged Maduro the next morning that a friend had given me for Xmas. :-)

    Great choice .
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Posts: 4,131 ✭✭
    The fact that I am off all day on Monday and the whole day to myself to spend as I please! Also the fact that my wife and son will be home Tuesday evening and I'll be able to spend some time with them!
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    Packing for Nicaragua
  • stephen_hannibalstephen_hannibal Posts: 4,317
    The fact that I am alive.... and the fact that metal makes me feel better.

  • DiamondogDiamondog Posts: 4,171 ✭✭
    Getting an almost full box of sticks of one of my faves at a fantastic price! Thanks Joe, come to think of it you've probably already given me 5 of these in various pkgs, so basically a full box lol
  • The SniperThe Sniper Posts: 3,910
    Out of town weekend work trip to MN (10 hr drive one-way!) in January to work outside (2 degrees F before the wind chill factor) to work graveyard shift Saturday & Sunday nights (and Im a day shift worker)...

    CANCELLED!!!! WOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • ellinasellinas Posts: 329
    women that score 11/10 in appearance
  • JCizzleJCizzle Posts: 1,914 ✭✭✭
    That my boss called in sick today and I brought a cigar to work. :D
    Light 'em up.
  • ellinasellinas Posts: 329
    my brother totaling my car right after i spent money on fixing the engine... it doesn't get any better
  • The SniperThe Sniper Posts: 3,910
    These forums, especially during slow periods at work. Only thing that keeps me sane for 8 hours some days...

  • Russ55Russ55 Posts: 2,765 ✭✭
    The Pink Panther movies. The ones with Peter Sellers.
  • docbp87docbp87 Posts: 3,521
    Two things... Lou Reed, and perky, small little ****. You know, the ones that stand up and say hello?
  • JCizzleJCizzle Posts: 1,914 ✭✭✭
    Two things... Lou Reed, and perky, small little ****. You know, the ones that stand up and say hello?
    I like an a$$ so firm you can play quarters off it.
    Light 'em up.
  • robbyrasrobbyras Posts: 5,487
    Getting a follow-up interview for a job that I really want
  • ellinasellinas Posts: 329
    weekends. no school and now work.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    being home in my own bed after a long time away.
  • The SniperThe Sniper Posts: 3,910
    Two things... Lou Reed, and perky, small little ****. You know, the ones that stand up and say hello?
    I like an a$$ so firm you can play quarters off it.
    I like an a$$ you can give a hug to.... not the girl necessarily, just the a$$... :-D

  • JCizzleJCizzle Posts: 1,914 ✭✭✭
    The Sniper:
    Two things... Lou Reed, and perky, small little ****. You know, the ones that stand up and say hello?
    I like an a$$ so firm you can play quarters off it.
    I like an a$$ you can give a hug to.... not the girl necessarily, just the a$$... :-D

    "I wanna be friends with it." - Ron Burgundy
    Light 'em up.
  • Dude LoveDude Love Posts: 315
    That the sunshine today made a crappy, 40 degree day into a rare winter cigar day. Even better that I shared it with one of my good buddies and some Buffalo Trace.
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