Is it Christmas?

I'm asking myself because as of late, meaning the last few years I have felt like Xmas has just been a big media and shop holiday. Last year was nice as we had a crap load of snow so that sort of thing made it feel like Christmas but overall I just don't feel it. Maybe I need kids? Maybe a dog, or hell I don't know. Maybe I just work too much. Either way I just don't feel it.
I used to LOVE watching the kids open their presents, the tree, the snow all of it.
Now that the kids are grown the fun has basically gone out of it.
I do enjoy seeing my mom, the other relatives are all in Alberta, so we do the phone thing.
I don't enjoy all the commercialism surrounding Christmas, but hey that's what a free enterprise system is all about, finding the $$$ in every situation.
I remember being a kid and what a magical time of year it was. Snow, family, food, presents, break from school, sledding, snowball fights, snow forts, etc. It was so much fun and I had no cares in the world.
Now that I am older and have my own kids it has changed. I love doing everything for them. We love to decorate and be festive. Thing is I am so stressed dealing with life it is hard to really stop and take it all in. I am old enough to know what is going on politically in the world and it is scary. People want to make a buck and the other people want to kill you to spend their buck. I think the meaning and spirit of the holidays is being lost.
This year I am excited for my kids. I didn't think we were going to be able to manage Christmas but we did. My daughter is 3 and she has brought that missing magic and innocence back for me. I will be off work for the first time in IDK how long so I get all of that family time. Now they say we will have snow here. Everything is just adding up to make this Christmas extra special for us.