New Years Eve Smoke

What are you thinking of having New Years Eve? Right now I am thinking I will be firing up a La Aurora 100 Anos Belicoso....I have been anxious to try this one for a while now.
Hoya de Monterrey Double Corona Cab 50 and a Montecristo No. 3...straight from Cuba...
I hope it is a cold clear night we are going backpacking...and these two sticks will make it an enjoyable evening...along with some CR.
Either that or the Hemingway Signature I've got.
After all it is a celebration!!! Happy New Year Everyone!!!!
i have worked EVERY holiday that usually gets a day off in the "business world" and every holiday that is celebrated by going out to get a drink/ hang out with friends or family (new years, st. patrick's day, 4th of July, etc... )
so while you guys are out tonight, smoke one for me.
That's one viewpoint anyhow.
But in all reality I'd like to tell them that if I had to leave behind a house plant and them while I'm on vacation.... the house plant would be in charge
i still wanna see my wife on at least ONE of the holidays.
ill probably get OT out of it though...