Hey guys, I'm looking for a new humi and need some suggestions... I have a 75 and a 125 ct right now that are over flowing... I also want something that can store boxes... TIA
How big are you looking for? I have one called the Havana Footlocker, it has two trays for storing singles and a decent sized open compartment at the bottom that can accommodate boxes and bundles.
If you can afford it, a cabinet is a nice addition. You can store singles and boxes all in one and they look pretty cool too. If you are looking to do something on a budget a coolidor would be the way to go. I am setting up a coolidor when I get home. To do this you need to get a beverage cooler, or even a winedor (some people on here use these), get some sort of humidification device (I am going with beads). I'm sure the rest of the guys will chime in here as well and offer even better advice, but this should be enough to get you researching and thinking. Good luck and def. let us know what you go with.
Scott, it's sounding like you're moving towards either Coolidor territory (as mentioned by EJenne87), or Cabinet territory...dependent upon aesthetic preferences and finances, I would wager. I have a 300ct right now, as well as an unused 20ct. Once my 300ct reaches capacity, I will be looking for something in the 500+ range - you may want to consider the same. There are a few end-table style humis that run between 500 and 1500, and from there you move into full-scale cabinets. Any of these options are going to cost you at least a couple hundred dollars, and moving into the thousands of dollars. Or, you can go the Coolidor route, spend maybe $50-$60 to set it up, and be in business. I don't know the average capacity of these though..
¨The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears, or the sea¨ - Isak Dinesen
¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨
Alright, thanks for the info so far fellas. Now that I have a keyboard in front of me (first post was on BB) I'm looking for a cabinet style I think. I don't want a coolidor, and I think the footlocker would drive me nuts, as I like to have my sticks in particular groupings and do not want to have to dig excessively. I'm good with spending the cash on a nice one, but just have no experience with cabinets. Any input is greatly appreciated.
hey scott I am in the process of setting up a coolidor but its not what you are thinking its not some hick blue and white igloo with a bunch of cigars in it. I am using a sort of mini fridge, lining it with cedar and putting cedar shelves in it... Its gonna look SWEET !!!! The fridge itself is stainless.... I'll post pics when Im done but it will hold around 400 cigars and it coasts a lot less than a 400 count Humidor would
I have been thinking of upgrading to a 120 count from 50 and running both humis but ever since it has been colder outside I haven't been smoking as much. Just sucks being at capacity and unable to buy any of the deals
I have been thinking of upgrading to a 120 count from 50 and running both humis but ever since it has been colder outside I haven't been smoking as much. Just sucks being at capacity and unable to buy any of the deals
Go bigger. Kuzi has a classic quote that he always posts up about what to buy when you're considering a new humi.. I have a 300ct now (which is getting remarkably full with only 55 sticks in it), and I already wish I had a cabinet.
¨The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears, or the sea¨ - Isak Dinesen
¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨
I was considering buying that one a little while ago but I decided to go with a coolidor instead because it's cheaper and can hold a lot more. If you do decide to get that one though I am pretty sure you can get it for a little less on a different site. I will try to find it again if you are interested, just send me a PM.
I have been thinking of upgrading to a 120 count from 50 and running both humis but ever since it has been colder outside I haven't been smoking as much. Just sucks being at capacity and unable to buy any of the deals
Go bigger. Kuzi has a classic quote that he always posts up about what to buy when you're considering a new humi.. I have a 300ct now (which is getting remarkably full with only 55 sticks in it), and I already wish I had a cabinet.
I know ... I thought that the 50 count would be fine since it was a present from a friend now two Christmas' ago - then we both really started getting into cigars however he has about a 100-120 count - soon it'll be time to bite the bullet and go with a larger size - 300 just sounds so big to me still
hey scott I am in the process of setting up a coolidor but its not what you are thinking its not some hick blue and white igloo with a bunch of cigars in it. I am using a sort of mini fridge, lining it with cedar and putting cedar shelves in it... Its gonna look SWEET !!!! The fridge itself is stainless.... I'll post pics when Im done but it will hold around 400 cigars and it coasts a lot less than a 400 count Humidor would
I have been thinking of upgrading to a 120 count from 50 and running both humis but ever since it has been colder outside I haven't been smoking as much. Just sucks being at capacity and unable to buy any of the deals
Go bigger. Kuzi has a classic quote that he always posts up about what to buy when you're considering a new humi.. I have a 300ct now (which is getting remarkably full with only 55 sticks in it), and I already wish I had a cabinet.
I know ... I thought that the 50 count would be fine since it was a present from a friend now two Christmas' ago - then we both really started getting into cigars however he has about a 100-120 count - soon it'll be time to bite the bullet and go with a larger size - 300 just sounds so big to me still
Shamrock I would suggest getting into a coolidor for you. They are inexpensive & can be set up fairly quickly. You can also decorate them so you don't have a "hick looking blue & white thing". Use your other humidor as your show piece or smoking humi. This just store away and depending on how big you wanna go can hold several hundred cigars....I think I have 10 different boxes...not all full (I wish) and plenty of room for other singles and a few more boxes. While this is set up you can save your money and decide what your next humidor cabnet etc. will be and if you don't like it you are only out a few bucks.
¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨
¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨