Cigar Inventory Tracking

Been looking through a few of the threads trying to find a comprehensive program or spreadsheet for tracking cigar inventory. Downloaded something called the Cigar Register which from the look seemed like it would be adequate...I have been unable to get it to work. Can someone supply information on a database or program they are using that works?
One of the nice features is what they call the 'smoke room' where you can rate how well you liked a given cigar in terms of flavor, body, etc. so you can refer back to it later.
Another feature allows you to add a given cigar to the database if it isn't already in there.
All in all, I give it good marks.
Downloaded it a week or so ago, it wouldn't work at all...tried all the forums on their site and did what they said and it won't even load...pen and paper may be the way to go for me. I would like a good spreadsheet if anyone has one they would be willing to part with.
I don't remember exactly how I got around that 'invalid' stuff before but I DO remember that I had to be in the right mode before it would accept things like a new humidor, etc.
I the instructions for the Vista setup and it still didn't work.
I think I will stick to a spreadsheet.
When you click on 'My Cigars' at the lower left edge, you'll notice that the icons at the top change a bit. You can still add a humidor, but the 'delete humidor' icon is greyed out so you can't use it.
A safety tip: If you've established more than one humidor and want to delete one of them for any reason, BE EXTREMELY CAREFUL where you're at, mode-wise, before you try to delete it. If you do it wrong you'll delete your whole inventory.
To delete a specific humidor, you have to be in 'My Cigars' mode. Then, click on the humi you want to delete. It will highlight. Once it's highlighted, you'll notice that the 'delete humidor' icon is no longer greyed out and can now be used. If you try to delete a humi any other way, BE SURE you double check the name of the humi selected to be deleted before you click on "Delete". The box defaults to 'Cigar Collection' which is your whole inventory. You could lose all your hard work.
This is an example of what I meant when I said you have to be in the right mode to do certain things. Hope this helps.
Secondly, it seems like a major sticking point for some of you guys is in creating a new humidor and getting the 'invalid number' jazz. It reminds me of my old Psych professor who referred to what he called the "GADFFC" - the Great American Desire to Fill out a Form Completely. It isn't necessary to stress over that. Hell, you can create a humidor with nothing more than a name. And if you're going to have more than 1 humi, call 'em 'humi 1' and 'humi 2' and forget about the measurements. After all, as long as you understand what you created nobody else needs to, do they? You're not going to be graded on your work, are you?
I think the guys who wrote the software for Cigar Register felt like they had to include some things for the **** retentives out there who just HAVE to stress over something so they'd have something to play with. Like the song says, "Don' worry - be happy"
I will take me a while to get around to it, but I am working on something for my personal use that is web-based. I plan to use it to keep count of my cigars, what I have smoked, how many I have left and my personal reviews on the cigars I've already tried. All info to be kept in an online database (secure). A simple web form would be used to add or subtract from the totals, and to write/post reviews to help me know what sticks I liked or disliked. I would be happy to include suggestions from this forum into the program.
I'm a noob. I have 3 humidors: a 300, a 150 & a 25, but I just got into this hobby last summer. I probably have 200 or so cigars. I haven't been rating and reviewing religiously, just here and there.
You may have a point here. I might have to take a look at this software or at least list my sticks on an excel spreadsheet. I'm already figuring out what I like and what I don't. Doing an inventory might be a logical next step for me.
This is not to say that what you're working on won't be better than Cigar Register, but you might possibly be just re-inventing the wheel. One of the features of Cigar Register is a means to synchronize, online, your data with that of other Cigar Register users. You might want to chaek that out before you put a lot of effort into your task.
I guess I will have to check it out. From what I read here, many users are having trouble using this app. What I am talking about has no .exe file, nothing to install and won't care if you are on a 64 bit machine, what browser you have OR what operating system you run on your computer. I'm talking about a purely 'web-based' database. When I have a 'working' example of what I mean, I will post a link for BOTL to try it and give feedback.
As for my time on this project, it will make a perfect "homework project" for me in the near future. I'm taking a few years off to go back to school and get my "Web Based Computer Programming" degree. Any projects I work on now will help me later, so I think this will be fun.
Thank you. There are things on that list that I had not thought of.
I have the same problem, I don't think it is the architecture of the OS, VISTA will run 32 bit programs as well, and they have a fix for it on the website, I just don't think the App was made well.