My take on the Crotch Bomber

Right now we have two organizations who are working on the airline security issue. One on this side of the pond .. the other over there in Yemen. Our Homeland Security Department - headed by Janet "The System Worked" Napolitano" - is trying to figure out how to keep some Islamic radical from blowing up a commercial airliner. The other crowd is trying to figure out how to thwart any efforts put forth by Napolitano's crew. Our side has rules. Their side doesn't. Our side won't even profile. Their side will do whatever it takes. Our side won't torture. Their side thinks that's laughable. Our side cares what other's think of our efforts. Their side doesn't. Their side will kill to accomplish its goals. Our side won't even pour water over a bad guy's head. Our side gives the other side constitutional rights. Their side wants to give our side nothing more than a painful death.
One group or the other is going to accomplish its goal. Either we are going to prevent future Islamic terrorist attacks, or they are going to succeed in blowing up an airliner.
Which side do you think has the advantage here?
In the meantime, Napolitano still runs our Homeland Security Department, and if this makes you feel safe then you have a real problem - that being that you really don't have a clue what is going on out there. Still got that Obama bumper sticker on your car? My guess is you can find a similar bumper sticker on the furry ass of almost every donkey in Yemen. Gotta love it.
"Long ashes my friends."
This guy was trained by Al Qaeda. Presumably he was trained with other radicals. He knows names. He knows locations. He knows plans. He knows stuff that could save American lives. He ain't talking. And why not? Because as soon as he was taken into custody The Community Organizer made the decision that he would be treated as a common criminal, not an agent of the Islamic war of terror against the United States. So here this failed bomber sits being read his Miranda rights by a cop. "You have the right to remain silent. You have the right to an attorney" So ... this Islamic goon gets his attorney and shuts up. We get nothing out of him. Now Obama's counterterrorism advisor is making noises about a plea bargain? A freaking plea bargain? How about "You tell us what you know and we don't make your life a living hell for the next eight years ... or more, if we need too."
Now let's hop across the Atlantic, through the Mediterranean, through the Suez Canal and on to Yemen. We'll find an Al Qaeda stronghold and see if we can eaves drop on their instructions to the next bomber they're planning to put on an airplane: "Don't worry, Muhammad. These Americans are weak. They have a weak leader. If your bomb doesn't detonate and they take you into custody you'll get a free lawyer. He will tell you that you don't have to cooperate or say anything. You'll live in a cell that is much more comfortable than the shed you're living in here. You'll have medical care and three meals a day ... plus they'll give you a new copy of the Koran. Oh... and you'll have an actual toilet. There will be many Americans who will watch your situation carefully and will raise the alarm if anyone should ever try to do you harm. Now go out there and do your duty to Allah!"
Yeah ... these Islamic goons are scared to death now! There is nothing we're going to be able to do to make these people love us. Nothing. Their leaders will continue to stir a hatred of America. Nor will they ever respect us. Now they have no reason to fear us either. Pollsters told us in 2008 that the majority of Europeans wanted to see a weaker United States. Those people must be dancing in the aisles right now.
Do any of you think that maybe - just maybe - The ACORN Administration should have been spending one-tenth of the time shoring up American security rather than plotting a health care take over? Oh but hell no .... Job number one for Obama was not to secure our country; not to make Americans safer; not to make our enemies fear us. Job number one was to expand the power of the federal government. Everything else took back seat.
"Long ashes my friends."
If that person tried to blow up an airliner with everyone aboard as a witness I'm all for doing all those things to them. Regardless of who they are ! If we would have had this pansie mindset in the 1700's we would never have even become a country !!! THERE IS NO SUCH DAMNED THING AS CIVILIZED WARFARE AND WE ARE AT WAR !!!
Well Luko, considering I'm 50 now and 22 years OLDER than Volchur I'm just not sure thats gonna happen. I do understand what Volchur is saying in regards to respect in the world community and extremism and I respect that as his opinion. However, respect in the world community IMHO is not worth the life of American citizens/civilians minding their own business and should not be what guides our policies. I think we gain more respect by minding our own business instead of being the worlds policeman but, BUT if you attack us then your a_ss will suffer the full consequences of our might both economic and militarily. No mandy pandy slap on the hand but a full blown -you attack us you cease to exist -period . Having said that-I'm not an isolationist but I do think we involve ourselves where we are not wanted and appreciated so therefore let those who wish to do so fend for themselves. Some will say "well we have to be involved or after nation abc takes over this country and that they will come for us" I redirect you to the above comment " you attack us you cease to exist period" . I have never seen a nation or an individual negotiating from a position of weakness gain anything ...I'm just sayin' ...
Just tryin' to enlighten the young un's ...
Yeah that would be crazy to see ! The scariest thing I have ever seen on a plane was on a trip from Charlotte, NC to Myrtle Beach SC . Their was a middle eastern looking gentleman about 40ish dressed in a suit and tie. He was sitting in the row next to me across the isle. After we gained altitude I noticed he was rubbing his coat sleeve really fast and hard and his lips were moving like he was talking to himself. This was after 9-11. He was looking straight ahead , not looking around, and I thought he was going to rub a hole in his suit jacket. He would rub really really fast for about thirty seconds and then close his eyes for a few minutes and then repeat this process. Scared the hell outta me !!! I thought " Oh my God , please dont let this guy be a terrorist ...If I see smoke its gonna be on like donkey kong ... About halfway through the flight the attendants were checking on him about every 5 minutes ...evedently he was just scared of flying !!! But a lot of stuff goes through your head when you see something like that ...I'm just sayin...
"Long ashes my friends."
¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨
Yeah like the colored contacts they say helps baseball players pick up the ball from a pitchers hand easier. I can see it now " Wheres Muhammad ?
He got new contacts and has been playing a lot of baseball lately !
Yes yes but enough of that non sense , its time to blow up some infidels !!! Go get him !!!
(coming back to his leader huffing and puffing) Muhammad said he just signed to play 3rd base for the Yankee's and to check back with him after the playoffs !!! He also said you could have his 70 virgins , he's got all the action he can handle now that he's hitting .400 and playing in NY
but really, I do. ;-)
¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨
Here's something else to think about...On Friday the lawyer for the Crotch Bomber entered a formal not guilty plea. Let me remind you that his indictment did not include the word "Al-Qaeda," along with "Yemen," "jihad," "terrorism, " "Muslim" or "Islam." But as Andrew McCarthy says in his latest column on NRO, "To protect the United States, though, we don't need Abdulmutallab's conviction. We need his information." By treating the Crotch Bomber as a criminal we have essentially lost any chance of getting any valuable information out of him. According to Slade Gorton, a member of the 9/11 Commission, "He was singing like a canary, then we charged him in civilian proceedings, he got a lawyer and shut up."
"Long ashes my friends."
"Long ashes my friends."