
When I first found this site I had been smoking cigars for around two or three years but did not change up what I smoked much and bought my cigars monthly. One thing that amazed me was people talking about aging cigars for 6 months , a year , 18 months and more !!! I wondered " how in the world can you keep a cigar that long and not smoke it " ??? And the variety !?!? Well today after 9 straight days of work I had a day off and was rooting through all three of my humi's just seeing what was where and looking for something good to relax on the deck with an adult beverage and noticed something. After being on the CCOM forums for about 16 months and having been involved in many games, bombings and just interacting with the great BOTL here I made an interesting discovery. I have cigars that have over 18 months of age on them and quite a few with between 8 and 10 months on them and several with over 2 years on them !!! I now understand that as your palette(sp) develops and with expanding your tastes and so many deals here and with friends it is really quite easy to have cigars with that kind of age even if your intention was not to age them. Damn I love this hobby !!! And oh yeah My choice for today was a forum blend Sumatra ...excellent smoke .
This is a evil bunch
I bet those will be good !
From my 1st order I have a couple RP 90 & 92 toro's and from eitherm my 2nd or 3rd order I have a Ghurka Centurian.
I love both the 90 & 92 so I'm looking forward to these with some age.
I didnt care for the Centurian, but hopefully, I have a better experience the 2nd time around.
I also have some Decades aging that will have a year on them in the spring.
Of course, you can't say enough about the online community that has been built here. It truly is incredible and I can't think of a tighter knit online community out there that interacts on a personal level the way we do on I've been on some message boards before but none that sent packages to each other and shared experiences the way we do here. I'm glad to be a part of it and ought to be proud of what they created.
Uummmm Decades !!!
Look, I was at a B&M the other day and I bought a $18 Davidoff, right? The proprietor said it was mild to medium. It kicked my butt worse than a Ruination that I smoked from!!!! Worse, it leaked tobacco juice on my fingers. The thing was obviously OLD! In the middle, I hit a grassy spot that was just nasty. This was a freakin' Davidoff! So either, I got a bad stick or aging didn't help this poor thing. I'm inclined to think the later. I think the idea of cigars getting better with age is fiction.
Flame away.