I need a 2000 ct humidor

My cigar collection has been growing exponentially. However, this means I am running out of room at a drastic pace. I need something that can accomidate my ever growing collection. This being said I would rather not spend $600.00 to $1400.00 on a humidor. It's my hope that someone here has a used one that they are trying to unload. Let me know if you have one or if you have any ideas on what to do. Thanks, Joe.
In all honesty, you may want to think about some coolidors and go from there. I'm sure it would be easier to organize and defiantly would be cheaper. With a 2000 count humidor, you are putting all your eggs in one basket and if something were to go wrong, that could be a bad thing. If you're really set on it, I hope you find what you are looking for. I wish I had your problem. Best of luck.
Shipping may be a problem......
Joe, how about this for a thought...
Not knowing how handy you are with woodwoking, but I have been looking into an idea. A humidor is simply a box, lined with "Spanish Cedar". If the box has a good air tight seal, and using a humidification device it should maintain a fairly constant humidity, right? Well, I found a wood shop close to me that deal in Spanish Cedar, different thickneses. I plan to try to convert a mid sized wall unit with doors into a humidor by lining the complete inside with spanish cedar and creating a better seal for the doors. With a little creativity, I should end up with a humidor big enough to put full boxes of cigars to age.
The real trick is to season the humidor properly and have enough humidification beads for the size. You can get battery operated fans that run a few minutes at a time to keep circulation or purchase an electric fan with a timer to save on electricity cost for circulation.
If you were to build one along this idea, this should keep your costs down, give you a project to work on and maybe have some fun with it?
just an idea, take it or leave it
That's nuts...
¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨