How do you feel....

So in Oregon as of Jan 1st no more driving with a cell phone, you need a handsfree device. Now I know I hate seeing almost everyone driving talking on the damn thing or worse, texting but at the same time I know that I see people putting on make-up, talking, doing their hair, eating and shaving but they aren't put into law. So what's the deal? First it's the seatbelts, then it's child seat laws, then it's no drinking and driving, now it's no cell phones. Now while I agree that driving is something that is not a right, but where is the line drawn? Some part of me is wondering if it's a way to push up sales on accessories for cell phones or blu-tooth devices. I dunno, I'm not a huge fan of it but whatcha' gonna do...
I hope the line is drawn before they ban smoking cigars in your car while driving.
Somewhere after healthcare??
Snicker snicker...
My mom told me she actually saw someone playing the flute while driving yesterday... yes, it takes two hands to play the flute.
That being said, I hate the idea it is made a law because it does seem to infringe on you rights. Although again, having this right and using to plow into my car head on while talking to your girlfriends about how much a a d!ck your boyfriend has been and how bad your pu*sy hurts doesnt make he happy either----sorry, hatred of women coming out.
Making Criminals out of All Americans
and even if that were the case, there is a damn good argument that it has gone too far.
im not saying it was all Reagan, but i am saying that it is a strange coincidence.
the soviet union, china, half of germany, cuba, and north korea have proven that making everything "public" was actually a wonderful idea. there is/was no poverty in any of those countries. every system works perfectly. nobody is oppressed in any way.
please provide proof or even evidence that it was privatization that has ruined this country.
"look around" isnt a a valid argument. when i look around i see government getting in the way of people trying to produce by taxing, mandating, regulating, and otherwise dominating them.
i can make a strong case that individuals owning things privately was what made this country great. i am also prepared to make an argument that the more government controls things, the less productive the people are, and therefor, the worse off the economy.
the corrupt government is involved here. the buisness is too. if that business infringed on the rights of anyone then it should be punished. however, the government isnt doing that because it is not living up to its only stated job of protecting the rights of the individual. ummm.. i always break them up concept by concept the way i am doing now.
i also do that to your links in argument form.
i skip nothing. i just see how you or others "feel" not facts.
no. im not for anybody controlling anybody. i am for individual rights and freedom for everyone. they also like to pay people to provide them services
they also like to start companies that employ people.
yes, they do keep money for themselves. this is not a crime. if they earned that money in a way that does not violate rights who am I (or who is anybody) to say that they shouldnt be able to keep it? oh im ready... Private schools have a better teacher to student ratio
private schools score better in reading and math than public schools
Private schools have a higher graduation rate than public schools Postal chief says post office running out of money
The Post office announced this week that it lost $3.8 billion in the most recent fiscal year
OBAMA: 'UPS and FedEx are doing just fine. It's the Post Office that's always having problems
this one and the military i will agree with you on because this is what the government is supposed to do: protect our rights. however this isnt federal, this is local and falls under the 9th and 10th amendment. not federal not federal again, but...
actually, the list of infrastructure problems is too long to post... see the answer for police
only difference this is federal.
but what about the misuse of the military in unjust wars? hmmm....
lets not open that can of worms.... Millions face shrinking Social Security payments
Congressman: 'Social Security could face default within two years'
Social Security spends $700,000 on Phoenix conference
Social Security audit finds dead people getting checks US Treasury chief says Social Security 'unsustainable'
Medicare is still going broke, according to an annual report to trustees
Medicare's Problems May Prove Tougher Than Social Security's Medicaid Problems - Worse Than You Think
More Medicaid Means Less Quality Health Care
again, protecting rights, therefore part of what the government is SUPPOSED to do...
but misuse is still an issue with the corrupt government we have. ah... NASA... the government agency best known for sending America's finest into space on shuttle that is built by the lowest bidder....
Virgin's space program will run in the black unlike NASA as would my list. true that is Debatable. i understand that. but at the same time, a forum is a good place. links can be made. facts can be found.
i was thinking about this and have a bit more to add.
up until recently, when a private company fails (and they do fail) it goes away and a new company that is more efficient will replace it if there is still some demand for the product or service that it provided.
when a government agency fails, the federal government pours more and more money into it forcing it to continue on while failing, running in the red, and wasting money. even failing companies have some degree of success, but that does not mean that the company itself is a success. the post office can still deliver a package or a letter, but it is hemorrhaging money. as any good business man knows, this is unsustainable. this waste of money comes out of our pockets as taxes.
interesting semi-related site